The work toilets part deux

YorkshirePadd26 said:
Please don't tell me you actualyl use public toilets.

I'd rather cack my pants than use one.

I hold on until i get bum grumbles and stomach cramps but some times you just gotta go in, Fill up the toilet bowl with toilet paper to avoid splash back and then fire away :p

You feel so dirty afterwards though, especially if you use one in a pub or bar with wee all over the floor=/
Zip said:
You feel so dirty afterwards though, especially if you use one in a pub or bar with wee all over the floor=/
Worst feeling in the world, then you glance down and notice your shoelace is half undone and lying in whatever is all over the floor :eek:
Jonny69 said:
CBS how can you not like scatological humour? You are English aren't you? :p

This thread would require humour in order to test that. It's well written, but if its an actual observation its obsessive before its funny.

I'd be concerned to think the guy in the next stall is taking notes so that he can post them on the internet in his spare time.
YorkshirePadd26 said:
Please don't tell me you actualyl use public toilets.

I'd rather cack my pants than use one.

Me too. The last time I ventured into a public toilet, somebody had left a log on the toilet lid itself.
Zip said:
Fill up the toilet bowl with toilet paper to avoid splash back and then fire away :p

I like to call this Duvet Dumping ! and thats why i use a shed load of loo roll.

On my 3rd already today, 2 nights of hard binge drinking have taken its toll on my poor system.

Detox is needed badly.
Jonny69 said:
Worst feeling in the world, then you glance down and notice your shoelace is half undone and lying in whatever is all over the floor :eek:

I cant agree more.

Plus you are sitting there pushing as hard as you can so you dont hold up anyone else or **** them off in fear of them throwing something over(yes im scared of that :p ) trying to balance on the bowl trying to make minimal contact with the ground by lifting your feel or balancing on you toes so you dont get the bottoms of your pants covered in ground juice :p
Our work toilets are quite frankly horrible. I avoid them as much as possible.

It seems some people take a liking to doing there thing over the toilet seat, not just number 1's either.

not only that but I don't really like going in there to find someone has exploded over the basin so badly that you feel sorry for the cleaners.

and they are blocked 9 times out of 10

Once I was washing my hands to find a person in cubical number 1 jump up and almost run out of the thing, to hear the sounds of water bubbling and then the whole basin filling up and over spilling with chunks floating all over the floor.

Lucky escape for the person in question....
When you work with russians and polish people, you'll learn that it's probably better to **** yourself. :D
I don't any more, but tescos, blimey.

My work toilets are relatively clean just they stink of ****.
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iCraig said:
Me too. The last time I ventured into a public toilet, somebody had left a log on the toilet lid itself.
:eek: :(

I just could never use a public toilet for number 2, I don't understand how other people can. Maybe I'm strange?
dark_shadow said:
:eek: :(

I just could never use a public toilet for number 2, I don't understand how other people can. Maybe I'm strange?

Your not strange, i never used to. I still try avoide to

But if you really gotta go you really do :(
Zip said:
Your not strange, i never used to. I still try avoide to

But if you really gotta go you really do :(
You've got to learn how to control it. I learnt my lesson at the infant school incident where I was forced to use the school loo.

Ever since, I've been able to control it :)
My old office had a really big disable loo and the cleaners used to keep all there cleaning stuff in there.

It was great when you had a really bad hangover, you could go in there a build a chair out of the loo rolls and snuggle up there a have a kip.

It was quite amusing to go there sometimes to find it locked and a faint sound of snoring.

We used to call it the Exec Lounge !

Thats why all your car insurance is so expensive as my company is riddled with drunks and skivers and internet surfers, and thats only the senior management !

Quote me happy !
dark_shadow said:
You've got to learn how to control it. I learnt my lesson at the infant school incident where I was forced to use the school loo.

Ever since, I've been able to control it :)

I dont know what it is, i can be home all day every day of the week and not need to poo badly at all.
But as soon as i go out to a pub or for a place where i know there will be either no toilets or crap toilets i need to go :p :(
Johnny, dude you care too much about poo. Damn funny though!

Our work dunny is only a one pan poop chamber, so sadly I don't get to experience the work of others in real time. However, I do get to savour the lingering aftermath on the odd occasion and when I do, I beat a hasty retreat and come back later.
cleanbluesky said:
I'd be concerned to think the guy in the next stall is taking notes so that he can post them on the internet in his spare time.
He's probably doing exactly the same for all I care over on the forums :)
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