that is a very nice looking block, i love this little case so bad
It would cost me £250 for in its motherboard on top
Ah you're currently not in ITX, i assumed you was. They do a ATX version too but its not as nice imo, looks big and bulky.
I went itx but the system just run hot all the time so when I went am5 I got a o11 mini again
really clean build, the farbwerks are amazing arnt they, i use a farbwerk, aquaereo 5 and quadro and no watercooling in sight.have you tried using the custom profiles for the rgb, for example on mine is rainbow puke unless i put on itunes then i have it changing to the music and its a lot simpler than you might think to use the profiles. just gotta wrap your head around it.
That block suits your build so well, even the writing "HEATKILLER" is the right way up! Awesome stuff.
That block is beautiful, and as you say it works so well with the orientation. Very cool. Love that case too.
I had no idea the 4090FE was so small! That's opened my eyes to some options in the future.
God I love your build, looks even better the more I see it and that water block looks awesome.
Did you ever get around to designing a Distro plate?The project is slowly coming together, within the next couple of days i should be receiving most of the watercooling parts and also the Aqua Computer RGB controllers and internal usb hub splitter.
Lots of tubing to come still and finally im in the process of designing a Custom Distro plate for this little beast! I figured if im going to build another relatively extreme design i may as well go all out on this one.
So to start i made a rough sketch of the distro and where the ports and runs will be internally. Fill and drain ports included to keep things simple too.
Did you ever get around to designing a Distro plate?