The younger generation.

11 Dec 2008
Well I've looked through most of my paper work, bank accounts etc. and I can't see that I've sold off any of the things you mention in your post.

Oh, well, if we're going down those lines. I've never been on benefits, I have a flat, I'm a net taxpayer, and I don't have an iPhone. So, you can take back everything about the "younger generation" because they clearly don't apply to me.

I do remember someone called Margaret Thatcher (spits out bile) doing something along those lines against the wishes of most baby boomers.

Okay, if you want to blame Thatcher on the previous generation ("it's somebody else's fault"), then I remember boomers voting someone called Tony Blair who took us into several wars against the wishes of most of the younger generation and gave us the government that left with "there's no money left". Unless that was somebody else's fault too.

So you think we had it good in our early lives do you - rationing still in force, shortages everywhere, dilapidated and bombed out buildings. The country was broke after 1945 and it took until the late 1960 before even part of that debt was repaid.
No, I'm saying the boomers have it good now, a lot in part by borrowing against future generations.

The government don't have a huge pension pot to pay for people's pensions you know. What they take in each week goes in part to pay for the pensioners we have presently and when the present pensioners were working their contributions paid each week for that current generation of pensioners.

Yes, and the boomers are making future generations pay more than they paid the previous generations.

Blimey, how much have I paid for your education? :rolleyes:
Well, you personally? Probably nothing. If the stuff you posted earlier is to be taken at face value, it doesn't sound like you were/are a net taxpayer. But remind me, how much did your generation pay for say, university education?
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30 Jun 2007
Billie Bangers is the type of old person I don't want to be.
I'm nearly 57 but if I reach his age and talk like him then please kill me.

quick and painless or slow and agonizing?

for an extra 50 pence i can scoop out your eye balls with a melon baller to make a unique rear view mirror ornament for your nearest and dearest.
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
quick and painless or slow and agonizing?

for an extra 50 pence i can scoop out your eye balls with a melon baller to make a unique rear view mirror ornament for your nearest and dearest.

Do it while I'm dead, in fact make all sorts of ornaments out of my parts including a walking stick made from my todger *

* for a Leprechaun obviously
20 Mar 2007
Oh, well, if we're going down those lines. I've never been on benefits, I have a flat, I'm a net taxpayer, and I don't have an iPhone. So, you can take back everything about the "younger generation" because they clearly don't apply to me.

I can see where Billie is coming from - you appear to be blaming ordinary working people for the actions of successive governments since the war.

I have taken Billies advice and watched the Super Rich and Us - you should too as many of your answers are there believe me. Can't wait for part two. That Jacques Perretti is a clever guy.

Okay, if you want to blame Thatcher on the previous generation ("it's somebody else's fault"), then I remember boomers voting someone called Tony Blair who took us into several wars against the wishes of most of the younger generation and gave us the government that left with "there's no money left". Unless that was somebody else's fault too.

History will record him to be the best PM since Churchill - how I miss him, we all should.

No, I'm saying the boomers have it good now, a lot in part by borrowing against future generations.

Have it good now you say? Many cannot afford to retire and are working on. The government are even changing the rules so they can raid their pension pots now. However, this isn't some altruistic policy, it is simply so the pensioners won't be able to claim any support from the state. Have you seen the savings rates since your lot got in power? Many people had saved hard all their lives in order to supplement their pensions with some interest from those savings. You are now lucky to get 1 1/2% whilst the mortgage rates on things like your flat are next to nothing.

Well, you personally? Probably nothing. If the stuff you posted earlier is to be taken at face value, it doesn't sound like you were/are a net taxpayer. But remind me, how much did your generation pay for say, university education?

Only the rich or the lucky few from less well off backgrounds with scholarships could dream of going to university. For most people they had to leave school at 15 and get a job.

Just got back from the United States (work) and things are pretty grim over there too.
30 Jun 2007
Do it while I'm dead, in fact make all sorts of ornaments out of my parts including a walking stick made from my todger *

* for a Leprechaun obviously

hmmm i imagine a human ***** could attract a pretty reasonable price.

*makes note to make friends acquaintance with a necrophiliac.
22 Aug 2013
North East
I would challenge most of the people who think they are hard done by today to tell us if they have a smartphone in their pocket,

Smartphones for example are a necessary device in today's world. I use mine regularly on wards to make decisions and answer questions. It also means I can effectively work if I find myself with a spare 5 minutes. The goalposts and what one needs to reach them have been moved and smartphones are one of the many things which are often needed to do a job and pursue opportunity.
Man of Honour
9 Jan 2010
The younger generation.

i find that people try to put them down,
just because they get around,
now, im not trying to cause a big sensation..
just talkin about their generation..

now why dont you all, just f-f-f... off
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20 Mar 2007
Smartphones for example are a necessary device in today's world. I use mine regularly on wards to make decisions and answer questions. It also means I can effectively work if I find myself with a spare 5 minutes. The goalposts and what one needs to reach them have been moved and smartphones are one of the many things which are often needed to do a job and pursue opportunity.

I know lot's of people who don't have or want a smartphone. The shocking thing is that they manage their lives quite extraordinarily well without one. I myself have a smartphone but don't need or want social media and if I'm honest I could manage equally as well without it.

Want and need are not the same things. We love to convince ourselves we need lots of things but if examined more closely we want rather than need.
3 Sep 2012
P town
I know lot's of people who don't have or want a smartphone. The shocking thing is that they manage their lives quite extraordinarily well without one. I myself have a smartphone but don't need or want social media and if I'm honest I could manage equally as well without it.

Want and need are not the same things. We love to convince ourselves we need lots of things but if examined more closely we want rather than need.

Yes I saw a chap post a status about how he just got a Nokia (which did have facebook) but it wasn't iOS or Andoid. He said how he felt more like an adult, I guess it does give you more responsibility as you don't have the comfort of the internet or whatever to solve all your problems.

I myself have thought about an older phone but for me the advantages of a smart phone outweigh the disadvantages. I can see why some people resort to older phones though as they don't take you away so to speak into constant staring down at your phone mode which can't be too healthy. But I look at it and think I'm not one of those people who stares at Facebook all the time but it can be useful. So there's nothing wrong with smartphones as long as you're using it for the right reasons and don't have an unhealthy addiction.
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11 Dec 2008
I can see where Billie is coming from - you appear to be blaming ordinary working people for the actions of successive governments since the war.

More of "it's somebody else's fault". Governments that current older generations elected, and continue to elect. There's 46m eligible voters in this country; it's not the 18-30 year old voters putting these governments into power. If this country is suffering from economic or social problems, it's because the older generations did a poor job of stewardship.

EDIT: How is it you would have a problem with me blaming "ordinary working people" for the actions of the successive governments they elected, and have no problem with Billie blaming about an entire "young generation" raised by those ordinary working people for our current social/economical problems that they had relatively little part in creating. What, of our current problems today, do you think a 18 year old "ordinary working person" caused?

Have it good now you say? Many cannot afford to retire and are working on.

Okay, ask if any of them would rather work for Tesco for workfare.

The government are even changing the rules so they can raid their pension pots now.

Seems reasonable to me, it's the older generations that racked up the debt. And on a practical level, they're the only people with the money. If this country has debts, how much money do you imagine you can shake out of the 18 year old at Tesco compared to the 65 year old on the civil service defined benefit scheme?
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18 Sep 2014
Planet Earth
When you say civil service defined scheme which one are we talkind about? Is that the stonking big one The Daily Mail would have you believe all civil servants get or the real average £5,463 per annum after 40 years of contributions one? Just so we are sure which one it is.
27 Dec 2011
Youth is wasted on the young. They think they know everything, but usually know nothing. Self absorbed narcissists for the most part. Some young people are nice though. :D
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