The younger generation.

When you say civil service defined scheme which one are we talkind about? Is that the stonking big one The Daily Mail would have you believe all civil servants get or the real average £5,463 per annum after 40 years of contributions one? Just so we are sure which one it is.

I mean the one that was so unaffordable that they closed it to the younger generation, the one the government is still borrowing more to fund, but the one that you believe is going to people who are willing to "do without" compared to the younger people.
The olds wasted their money on totally unecessary things like record players. My dad spent a fortune on records, way more per year than a smartphone on a contract would cost!

I feel sorry for the youngsters, they won't have the opportunities I had when I left school. Working actually paid and even a house in Oxford was achievable on a factory worker's salary. I bought one at 19 ffs! No chance of that now, the monthly mortgage would be nearly what that job would pay today (net per month). To think that I thought a mortgage was expensive at 1/2 my monthly salary!

I feel most of the problem now is cheap credit. Make credit cheap and money effectively becomes worthless as huge amounts become "easy" to afford on a repayment basis. Expensive credit means the more expensive things have to be bought with earnt money and hence tend to be cheaper as people have to save to in order to buy them. Or at least save to put a decent deposit down to lessen the amount of credit needed. It took me two years to save for my house deposit & most of that was on an apprentice wage too.
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Book smart, life dumb sums them up nicely.

Not all of us, thank you! However, I do see plenty of that. Case in point, a friend of mine went to change a lightbulb, but it didn't fit and she only then learnt there is more than one type of lightbulb fitting. If you met her, you'd think she was an idiot, but she got 80% for her Criminology degree, go figure.
Most young people I know seem well adjusted to be honest. They seem to be more aware of the world and their impact on - certainly more so than my generation. When I am out and about I tend to find those who display a distinct lack of manners are the older generations.
It's sad when you go into a cafe and see a bunch of hot girls all sat around a table completely silent, staring into their eyephones.

I'm pretty sure they are all chatting to eachother, not in the real world, but over facebook.
Infact if they have a degree* even more dim.

* not a Science, Medical or Engineering degree

Fixed, although there is still the odd exception to that.

I honestly believe there are parts we youngsters fail and succeed at, from simply having no thought for others at all to being able to accept others' sexuality, racial background, etc. But I think "intelligence" doesn't necessarily mean that person will be well adjusted or have any common sense at all. Yes, they can memorise the book and answer the well placed exam questions and achieve a first in their degree, but would simply crumble at some basic logical problem that isn't on the first page of Google, or present in their notes annotated with colour-coordinated highlighting and a stain from a macchiato. I sound like James May. :(

It's sad when you go into a cafe and see a bunch of hot girls all sat around a table completely silent, staring into their eyephones.

"Have you seen that guy staring at us over there?" :p
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Not all of us, thank you! However, I do see plenty of that. Case in point, a friend of mine went to change a lightbulb, but it didn't fit and she only then learnt there is more than one type of lightbulb fitting. If you met her, you'd think she was an idiot, but she got 80% for her Criminology degree, go figure.

Perhaps "all theory, no practice" would be a kinder way of putting it.

Should the government be looking into setting up a Re-Introduction To The Real World course for graduates?
This actually happened over the weekend.

I was telling my housemates about my date on Friday, and that she was a veggie.
I commented "It's fine, at least she isn't vegan, then she wouldn't even be able to sit on that sofa."
24 year old replies "Why?"
"Because vegans won't use any products derived from animals."
"But why this sofa?"
"It's leather."
"What animal does leather come from?"

young men seem to have a real warped sense of whats acceptable these days

neighbour round or way has had to get an injunction against a former partner of six years...he just cannot accept the fact she has kicked him in to touch..he became madly jealous and his solution? to stalk her, hang around her house and abuse her in the street

why doesnt he just move on instead of thinking he owns her and cannot enjoy time by herself and her friends

he always seemed ok but I have had to call the police a couple of times after seeing him hanging round breaching the terms of the court order

why cant he just move on?
I dont know to be honest, I have no experience of such..I have been married over 20 years only 1 of my friends gas been divorced...but they both moved on to new partners and I am still friends with them both..they can be in the same room as each other without hurling glasses at each other

not sure why some people need to torture each other over an old relationship, I find it utterly baffling
Not all of us, thank you! However, I do see plenty of that. Case in point, a friend of mine went to change a lightbulb, but it didn't fit and she only then learnt there is more than one type of lightbulb fitting. If you met her, you'd think she was an idiot, but she got 80% for her Criminology degree, go figure.

This happened to my 27 year old daughter last week who has got a Masters.
I then took her around the house showing her different light bulbs & fittings.
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