The younger generation.

There's couple of things that I can think of that factors this in;

Housing cost
Gadgets and must haves
Peoples Attitude
Living Wages

I'm certain nothing really has changed....apart from one thing (Attitude)
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There's couple of things that I can think of that factors this in;

Housing cost
Gadgets and must haves
Peoples Attitude
Living Wages

I'm certain nothing really has changed....apart from one thing (Attitude)

Really? You're sure that house prices as a proportion of earnings, the value of pensions and wages vs. outgoings haven't changed over the last 30-40 years?
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Of course the young have fire in their bellies. It takes huge guts and motivation to start a protest on Facebook or take part in the ice bucket challenge.

As if that's ever going to make a difference.
Also the article argues that house prices vs. wages are a problem, so I'm not really sure why you picked it other than it possibly being the first URL that Google gave you. Out of all the things to dismiss as not being actually a problem, you picked the ones with numbers to back them up :confused:
While it would be awfully decent of you if you were sticking a few bob a week into my private pension fund, I suspect you're talking about the state pension which I opted out of in 1988.

Well I was talking about private pensions, if the company I work for is anything to go for. Private pension schemes have been massively hobbled - those who got in 20-40 years ago have amazing pension schemes, 10-20 years ago alright ones and those in the last 5-10 years pretty poor.
Youngsters do protest but its all about the latest celebrity craze now and getting a boob job on the NHS and free council house.

Our country is dying under the weight of socialism and the selfie.

Introduce a Selfie Tax and this country would be debt-free in six months.

Anyone caught taking any photo with a tablet gets taxed double and publicly flogged.
It would also be interesting if they are using what they remember from the news or saw on TV to define 'their' generation, and comparing it to the people around them today. Chances are if they look back to the people immediately surrounding them 50 years ago they were just as politically inactive.
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