There's an awful sickness bug going around!

I think i had this last year, went through me pretty quickly, but when it hit oh boy that was fun, had me firing from both ends.

Not only that but i kept burping, and it would taste of bile not nice as it would smell like i farted.

Anyway nasty little bug, i had the worst one when i was young, that wiped me out for a good week or two, couldn't move or anything just stayed in bed cuddled up.
I sneezed yesterday!

So did i, out both ends! :D:D

Felt queezy and a dodgy stomach last night with severe heartburn, took some gaviscon and i slept from 1am till 11.30am :eek:. Damn did it knock my body out, feel much better today but they are right with this norovirus it takes days before your body is back to normal
Just remembered there was another virus that i had when i was a kiddy that was just as bad as this. Lung Infection, i remember not being able to breath and because of the phlem it used to block my nose and my throat at the same time, i stopped breathing and it wasn't until i puked that i could breath again. But it would only be so long before i stopped breathing again.

Two weeks off school and spent a few days in hospital
If you only have a headache and a sore throat i wouldn't worry about the norovirus unless it's your stomach that plays up, that's how mine started and many others that had the norovirus. Sure everyone is different but usually it's the stomach that acts up first :(. Headache usually comes mid stages of the norovirus

Shouldn't give medical advice because of the rules but if it is the norovirus you will know very quickly, if you get nothing at all in atleast a day then it isn't
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I can add that Norovirus is currently doing the rounds, surfing this weekend 22 out of 25 people had it! You want to see something ugly, try this with a limited number of toilets.


My younger sister missed the toilet, the bathroom floor was covered, her clothes where covered and puke filled the bath!. Parents had to clean it up with a mop, never seen anything like it so i know what you mean :p
Since were discussion bowel related illnesses, I currently have Chrons disease. Thankfully its in remission right now but its caused me a lot of grief.

Started in 2002 and quickly made my life into a living hell. Constant crippling bowel pain, running to the toilet countless times a day and only producing rabit pellets. Couldnt eat a lot of foods that are hard to digest. Stuff like peanuts, mushroom, corn etc would leave me bedridden for days due to the pain. I lost a lot of weight due to the fact I was barely eating. Went from a 44 inch waist to a 32 inch waist in less than a year. It took them ages to properly diagnose it too. They thought it was irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative colitis at first. One specialst even told me later on that he suspected it was bowel cancer due to how severe my symptoms were.

The symptoms cleared up for a little while, but then came back with a vengange near the end of 2005 and I got rushed into hospital for surgery. Part of my bowel was removed and I had to wear a stoma pouch for the following year. Pooing into a bag attatching to your side. Not fun I can tell you, though you learn to live with it.

Thankfully almost exactly a year later I then got a successful reversal procedure to join the two ends of my bowel back together. Since then I've been relatively healthy and apart from the occasional case of the runs, my bowels are pain free :D
The symptoms cleared up for a little while, but then came back with a vengange near the end of 2005 and I got rushed into hospital for surgery. Part of my bowel was removed and I had to wear a stoma pouch for the following year. Pooing into a bag attatching to your side. Not fun I can tell you, though you learn to live with it.

I bow my hat in respect of you sir
I bow my hat in respect of you sir

I know it sounds pretty horrific, but from my own experience its actually not as bad as you'd imagine. Theres obviously a period of adjustment but you can learn to live with it. Thankfully the pouches were good at staying on and didnt have any issues with smell. In the full year I wore them I never had any leaks or anyone in the street figuring out I was wearing it.
It's been what 3-4days since the norovirus and generally anything i eat my brain and stomach say na i think i've had enough. Any chance my appetite will come back soon :(
I know it sounds pretty horrific, but from my own experience its actually not as bad as you'd imagine. Theres obviously a period of adjustment but you can learn to live with it. Thankfully the pouches were good at staying on and didnt have any issues with smell. In the full year I wore them I never had any leaks or anyone in the street figuring out I was wearing it.

My father had a colostomy after he was diagnosed with cancer and shortly before he died. A bit weird seeing a log come out of his side! They're very discrete and more people have them than you think. Congrats on getting your pipes hooked back up :)
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