I'd like to know what this stuff is like over the long term. I'd trade 5C difference for a paste which is still doing it's job properly after 2 years.
There will be some more reviews soon, I shall be sending out samples. - This will give you all a clearer indication of how good this stuff actually is. :)

Bah humbug - now you tell me when I have just purchased. Lol
That was magic Steven Ha ha.

Been looking forward to the release of this stuff. I remember reading that its comparable to liquid metal but without the niggles that come with it. Having found liquid ultra to be about 5c better than conventional paste this stuff seems ideal.
Followed abit of the development with this stuff , watched a lot with der8auer bigging the stuff up . If it's good enough for 8pack ita good enough for me , if alls well I shalll replace my Ic diamond staple with this stuff
Been expecting a tube for review for over a month now, I had almost forgotten about it too. Thanks for the remainder, will hit up Roman and see what's going on. Hopefully not a case of US customs sucking as always.

Is the Kryonaut still their recommended paste for watercooling over the hydronaut?
There will be some more reviews soon, I shall be sending out samples. - This will give you all a clearer indication of how good this stuff actually is. :)

Great stuff but if reviews are being conducted by ocuk staff or forum mods then the conspiracy hats will come out, in other words I'd like to test this against clp :p
If it can beat coolaboratory pro then its good stuff,personally I've never had issues cleaning it off,still performs as good as the day it was applied over a year ago

I'd like to see a side by side comparison tho
coolabs is only a problem if you noob it up tbh.

once it is in places it shouldn't be its a pain to clean.
Great stuff but if reviews are being conducted by ocuk staff or forum mods then the conspiracy hats will come out, in other words I'd like to test this against clp :p

A member of staff may review, but I am organising to send out to reviewers to see what they think of it and also I may look into sending some to some forum members to test it out. We'll see. :)
Actually we can test pastes under far more difficult conditions than any normal end user. Both for temps and loads. A paste chosen by all the top Overclockers is the best paste simple as.

Ocuk is a company with great reputation we don't make things like this up ever.

200 formula tested. This is the best simple as.
Been expecting a tube for review for over a month now, I had almost forgotten about it too. Thanks for the remainder, will hit up Roman and see what's going on. Hopefully not a case of US customs sucking as always.

Is the Kryonaut still their recommended paste for watercooling over the hydronaut?

Roman has more samples coming soon. We gave out all at computex
We used this at the cambridge OC event under LN2, all i can say is it applied and spread well. I shall be getting some soon to compare with others and will be able to test on air, water, phase and LN2.
I'll order a tube myself at some point soon. Only on air cooling but it will be interesting to compare to clu and mx4 which I'm currently using on both my systems.
Roman has more samples coming soon. We gave out all at computex

I figured. He said that he was sending out a few tubes to someone in the US to distribute to testers here (in the US). I am pretty excited about this, it looks like a paste that can give bigger differences than marginal improvements between different CPU blocks or coolers themselves.
Actually we can test pastes under far more difficult conditions than any normal end user. Both for temps and loads. A paste chosen by all the top Overclockers is the best paste simple as.

Ocuk is a company with great reputation we don't make things like this up ever.

200 formula tested. This is the best simple as.

You know that top gamers use Corsair, Astro, Kingston branded headsets for esport events that doesn't make them the best headsets for gaming. Like I said I will wait for non biased reviews which doesn't included OCUK staff.

What is more difficult conditions exactly? Surely if this is aimed at the home overclocking enthusiast then testing under water or air cooled overclocked components is enough. Anyway, genuinely interested in seeing results of this paste both on IHS and Dye.
First test on my system - results !!!!

Hi all,

Just tested some Kryonaut on my build, my initial findings:-

Hi all,

My grizzly arrived this morning - have just finished drain down and re build. Will compare against Gelid extreme, which is what I normally use. Will report back with some figures shortly.


Update - results of first test.
Aida stability test run of ten minutes(not a long time I know, but this is just to give first impressions.
5960X at v core of 1.316 volts

Old paste - Gelid Extreme:-
Room temp 70 degrees
Individual cores gave- 66/66/72/69/71/65/67/65 a spread of 7 degrees over the cores. Core 3 hottest at 72.

New paste - Grizzly Kryonaut:-
Room temp 70.5 degrees
Individual cores gave - 65/65/70/66/68/64/65/64 a spread of 6 degrees over the cores. core 3 again hottest core at 70.

General observations:-
Easy to spread, but did notice that it was best to try and spread each line of paste with the spreading tip in one go if possible, as multiple
goes at spreading seemed to result in the paste getting slightly sticky, and so you could pull up a bit where it was already spread - you may find it different for you.

As for results - this is only one run so I need to do more to get an average, and maybe this paste as many do, might need a bit od bedding in - so may improve.
Also there is probably still a small amount of air in the system still to bleed out yet.

So overall I am impressed so far as three degrees saved is always useful headroom, and this may yet improve a bit. I think the cores are now a more even temperature across
all cores so that is all to the good as well.

Hope people find this usefull as a rough guide. I will do further testing an report back my findings.
Hi all,

Just tested some Kryonaut on my build, my initial findings:-

Hi all,

My grizzly arrived this morning - have just finished drain down and re build. Will compare against Gelid extreme, which is what I normally use. Will report back with some figures shortly.


Update - results of first test.
Aida stability test run of ten minutes(not a long time I know, but this is just to give first impressions.
5960X at v core of 1.316 volts

Old paste - Gelid Extreme:-
Room temp 70 degrees
Individual cores gave- 66/66/72/69/71/65/67/65 a spread of 7 degrees over the cores. Core 3 hottest at 72.

New paste - Grizzly Kryonaut:-
Room temp 70.5 degrees
Individual cores gave - 65/65/70/66/68/64/65/64 a spread of 6 degrees over the cores. core 3 again hottest core at 70.

General observations:-
Easy to spread, but did notice that it was best to try and spread each line of paste with the spreading tip in one go if possible, as multiple
goes at spreading seemed to result in the paste getting slightly sticky, and so you could pull up a bit where it was already spread - you may find it different for you.

As for results - this is only one run so I need to do more to get an average, and maybe this paste as many do, might need a bit od bedding in - so may improve.
Also there is probably still a small amount of air in the system still to bleed out yet.

So overall I am impressed so far as three degrees saved is always useful headroom, and this may yet improve a bit. I think the cores are now a more even temperature across
all cores so that is all to the good as well.

Hope people find this usefull as a rough guide. I will do further testing an report back my findings.

Room temp 70 degrees?

As in your ambient temps are 70? Something is not right because at that temp you should be dead.
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