Dont think a fridge is a good idea to be honest,
I have a mini fridge (carlsberg one that holds 42 cans) and although it keeps my beers frosty, the top and back of it gets pretty hot,
not something id have thought would be good in a case,
Project Hovis! There. The name is sorted already.
There ya go,
The ultimate case mod
haha i would love to see what great minds can do to that,
and that vending machine "mod" *on paint* made my day
sorry, couldn't resist lol
On a serious note I can see the space potential so I say geve it a go
Are you going to drive up to Lancs to go get it or did you throw a few extra notes for delivery?
loved ya last mods, im now excited
Aslong as it doesn't look like a mozart/breadbin then I'm sure it will be an improvement.
Project:Bread bin
Love it!