They are Billions - RTS meets Zombie Hordes !

Managed to get the narrows horde rush completed. Spawned soldiers in two groups top and bottom and led the horde towards the command post. Managed to destroy the horde after many, many attempts.
EVER assume your safe, the Z's will find a way in even if it's one lone Z so always keep an eye on your map.

I've had some 'great' bases destroyed by the lone z wandering in and starting a runaway infection. Really really, annoying.
Obviously the bases weren't that great!
Second to last mission for me and <no spoliers> there's things on the map roaming. I thought I'd do my usual aggressive expansion at the start but thought my rear was protected by environment. Just saw one lone zerg shambling in. So quickly recalled my 5 initial starting rangers, as they're fastest, to take him out but just reached him too late. The infection spread.
I then pulled back my sniper and soldiers to mop up. Should be an easy fix, only a dozen houses were built and they only spawn a few zombies so it worked out ok. Problem resolved.

BUT then this massive thing came shambling in and headed directly for my base. He took a lot of punishment but destroyed me before I could finish him.

Must have been the fastest game I've ever played. I'm now formulating my next attempt.
That’s a giant, they wander the map and can be attracted by noise. You need a lot of snipers to take one down quickly I.e before they can damage you. 100 snipers should do it in 1-2 ‘shots’ while you use an archer to ‘kite’ him.
Cheers finally got through what I thought was the final mission to find some more missions... NOW i think I'm at the end...just had some fun with a map full of giants..
Playing this game is like:

Great, doing well, fab location, good walls, many towers, lots of veteran soldiers, lots of time left, farms, quarries, logging, gold, it's great!!!!!

What? No! Where did that z come from? What? Infection spreading? Where? Oh no! Why? Why? WhyyyyyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Head slumps to desk as realisation that the last three hours were completely wasted.

Oh well, attempt number 11.
Well over 400 hours played on this.

If anyone still playing, there's a custom map called Brimstone TD which is great fun to play
Looks interesting

It has the same sadistic appeal as a rediculously hot curry. It's painful to consume. The after-effects aren't hugely pleasant. But you can't stop eating :D

TAB in brief; you spend three hours building a base and an army to defend it. The final wave comes. You almost beat it. Except one single Zombie touches one of your buildings and sets off a chain reaction that you cannot get under control. And that's it. You lost. Time to start again.
It has the same sadistic appeal as a rediculously hot curry. It's painful to consume. The after-effects aren't hugely pleasant. But you can't stop eating :D

TAB in brief; you spend three hours building a base and an army to defend it. The final wave comes. You almost beat it. Except one single Zombie touches one of your buildings and sets off a chain reaction that you cannot get under control. And that's it. You lost. Time to start again.

Ohh :D
I had more fun with this is Alpha to be honest. Don't like the developer. They got quite snotty with all the bad reviews when they finally released the campaign.

It's crap. Just suvival mode with a timer.

Best zombie RTS out there though. Although probably the only one.
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