They need their freedom.

Typed into Google Bryan Caplan Jewish and sure as butter is yellow he is Jewish! And his illustrator Zach Weinersmith well i do not even need to Google his name screams Jewish ROFL. Always the same people asking for open borders in white nations while Israel deports them!

Only last week they demolished an entire Palestinian village, No news coverage at all. Really how does this help them when people say the Kalleregi plan is a bogus right wing myth and accuse people like myself of being racist yet everytime i see these articles i do the same thing. I find the names and put into Google thier name and Jewish. Almost everytime it confirms it!

OK, calm down Jeremy Corbyn!
According to the news (and here) we have been told that most of these men are highly educated.

Engineers, scientists, doctors, physicists, rare to see females in that group so this all makes perfect sense really?

In awe at the hyperbole. Regardless, do you believe that we can completely stop illegal immigration?
My wife's boyfriend is a refugee. Such a nice guy. Future astronaut for sure, and I tell my wife he can visit Uranus any time he wants. Disgusts me that intolerance still exists. Open the borders!

That's a hole load of trouble!! :p
We should have stayed in the EU then the immigration would be mostly from reasonably wealthy countries where the immigrants are more likely to be educated and civilised. Not from the worst countries in the world. We need immigration but we should be selective.
Yes, by removing social welfare access.

Round up everyone without an NI number and deport them based on DNA testing. And stop giving everyone an NI number or have everyone re sit a British citizenship test. There are people who live in the UK, Do not work and do not even speak English. Mainly Muslim females but while very rare it is still a shameful example of lack of standards.

If British people are not skilled enough to do every job, Then how did Britain become one of the worlds greatest? Look at all the inventions that came from Britain and look at the popultion versus African inventions. Its a huge lie were only interested in low skilled low paid workers. If you look at history and how that worked out for all the slave colony it leads to resentment and partiton so they should be careful with so called minority majority cities.
OP can take them in his house and cloth and feed them and hope they do not rob, rape and then kill him and his family during the night.

Personally i would shoot them (the ones in video), they have zero legal right to be here period.

So UK POP becomes 70m then soon 80m and way they breed 100+m in no time and you think this is good for a small island esp during Covid19!

That's the second time you've made that claim now. And still nobody here has suggested anybody kill immigrants.

Almost like you're doing it on purpose.

What, so it's shoot to wound only?
Not many people say they are really, If they are anything like me they will agree that each peg belongs in its own hole. Square pegs do not fit in round holes France already destroyed the open border policy myth. It would only increase competition and drive down wages. House prices and land prices would soar as would food prices because it would leave a vaccum in thier nation of origin which will be filled and thus increase population.

Open borders only benefit the elite million and billionaires and land owners. Also @G-MAN2004 shut it down!!!

I was all for open borders and freedom of movement until I read this post and went "Oh yeah...."
Round up everyone without an NI number and deport them based on DNA testing. And stop giving everyone an NI number or have everyone re sit a British citizenship test. There are people who live in the UK, Do not work and do not even speak English. Mainly Muslim females but while very rare it is still a shameful example of lack of standards.

If British people are not skilled enough to do every job, Then how did Britain become one of the worlds greatest? Look at all the inventions that came from Britain and look at the popultion versus African inventions. Its a huge lie were only interested in low skilled low paid workers. If you look at history and how that worked out for all the slave colony it leads to resentment and partiton so they should be careful with so called minority majority cities.

They are getting welfare by just being there, being housed, clothed and fed (which is more than some of our own citizens get). Instead of being sent back and told to apply though the legal channels.
We should have stayed in the EU then the immigration would be mostly from reasonably wealthy countries where the immigrants are more likely to be educated and civilised. Not from the worst countries in the world. We need immigration but we should be selective.

Seriously? The U.K. has always been able to halt or limit the immigration of non-EU citizens. Successive governments have chosen not to.
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