Game looks awful, sell your code if you got it with your GPU.
Everyone heard about the leak?
I assume you can only pre-load if you've bought from Steam?
Saves me £25 quid...
Oh well. Catering for the masses does indeed kill a game.
would it be a bad move me playing the new thief before playing the originals....
I see a lot of people saying that the earlier games are very good,
It seems from the retro days developers have become lazy for eye candy
It's more the proliferation of console gaming and the rise of the more casual gamer. Making games hard/complex won't make you money but making it more like a movie and holding your hand the way through will. These people will only play for maybe 30 minutes a time and if there's too much depth that takes hours of play to get into then they're not going to maintain interest for long.
It's more the proliferation of console gaming and the rise of the more casual gamer.
I've just cancelled my pre-order, I said before I wouldn't pre-order unless it was something special and I broke the rule for this.
I'll just play it safe from here on in, I've got far too many games to get through as it is anyway.