Things I don't like (TIDL) thread

After another incident I don't like motorists telling me I shouldn't be cycling because I don't pay Road Tax.
It's always amusing when I educate them that there has been no such thing as Road Tax since 1937 - Google it.

Ah that old chestnut! THey especially don't like it when you point out that VED (Vehicle Excise Duty) is emissions based, so even if cyclists had to be registered, the amount of tax paid would still be zero :D

They also don't like it when I point out that I also have a car which I do pay VED on, but chose to leave it at home and cycle for pleasure and the goodness of my health, thereby I kind of *do* pay tax to use the road...

While this is true, it would be nice for anything using the roads to be legally required to have valid insurance.
People on the tube who can't be bothered to cover their mouths when they cough, instead coughing directly onto the phone they're glued to.
For me it's...
And use Caps Lock for typing a single capital letter.

Urgshh. The person who invented the hateful Caps-Lock key in the first place! :mad:

Most useless key on the keyboard. Very easy to hit when going for the A and there never seems to be an edit selection "Change Caps to lower text"

Is there an easy way of disabling it?
Index finger typists. Petty, I know. But it is infuriating to watch

also, those who get coffee in the sugar pot in the office. They deserve all the bad things in life to happen to them
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People who carelessly throw their empty shopping baskets onto the stack meaning the next person has to straighten it out/move the handles out of the way before they can stack their own basket.

People who don't use a seperator after they've put their shopping on the checkout converyor belt meaning the next person has to do it for them.
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