Things I don't like (TIDL) thread

People who carelessly throw their empty shopping baskets onto the stack meaning the next person has to straighten it out/move the handles out of the way before they can stack their own basket.

People who don't use a seperator after they've put their shopping on the checkout converyor belt meaning the next person has to do it for them.
Yes! This!!
People who carelessly throw their empty shopping baskets onto the stack meaning the next person has to straighten it out/move the handles out of the way before they can stack their own basket.

People who don't use a seperator after they've put their shopping on the checkout converyor belt meaning the next person has to do it for them.

Agree with that, I rarely use a basket, being so idle that I prefer to put a pound in for a trolley, even if I’m only getting 8-10 items, but I still find myself inwardly tutting, and adjusting the handles of carelessly discarded baskets.
Not long ago, I put my stuff on the conveyor and reached for and placed a separator behind them, the oriental woman who was behind me said, (and I’ve no idea why), “Thanks, but why did you do that?”
Rather nonplussed, I replied, “Because it’s the polite thing to do.”
Yes! This!!

Agree with that, I rarely use a basket, being so idle that I prefer to put a pound in for a trolley, even if I’m only getting 8-10 items, but I still find myself inwardly tutting, and adjusting the handles of carelessly discarded baskets.
Not long ago, I put my stuff on the conveyor and reached for and placed a separator behind them, the oriental woman who was behind me said, (and I’ve no idea why), “Thanks, but why did you do that?”
Rather nonplussed, I replied, “Because it’s the polite thing to do.”

If the person in front hasn't placed a seperator after their lot and the seperators are too far for me to reach (they're often right beside the person at the till) I now just start putting my shopping onto the conveyor without one and see how long it takes for the Einstein in front to wake up to the fact that they might be paying for more shopping than they bargained for. Sometimes the moment hits quite hard, especially if they've been immersed in their phone while queueing, and you can sense their panic as they look for a seperator.

I give them a little smile and a "cheers, buddy".
Urgshh. The person who invented the hateful Caps-Lock key in the first place! :mad:

Most useless key on the keyboard. Very easy to hit when going for the A and there never seems to be an edit selection "Change Caps to lower text"

Is there an easy way of disabling it?
The irony is that it used to be a SHIFT LOCK key, not CAPS. That made more sense for accessing lots of secondary key functions in a row.

Of course the history of SHIFT LOCK has its roots in typewriters whereby you would literally be shifting the character set to change to upper case.
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