Things You Find Funny... That You Shouldn't

Bar said:
"let he without sin cast the first stone"

Jesus said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." then, as he was without sin, he started throwing rocks at everyone.

One day, we all got fed up and nailed him to a pole.

Regarding the actual topic, slapstick kills me. I can't help but laugh at people falling over irrespective of age or situation. Laughter is louder when an amusing facial expression occurs or possibly an unexpected 'wuuuaaargh!' noise is emmited.

big_white_dog84 makes me laugh...I can't believe some of his posts.

Oh and cleanbluesky - most succesfull troll on the forums ;)

penski said:
Oh and cleanbluesky - most succesfull troll on the forums ;)


If only CBS had noticed you, he might be able to repay the compliment... :p
cleanbluesky said:[IMG]

If only CBS had noticed you, he might be able to repay the compliment... :p[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, where have I see that giant rolleyes before?
I enjoy watching people running along a train platform trying to catch a train that aint actually stopping that that station!
Anyone really taking a shoeing on Takeshi's Castle, specially the highrollers and surfs up. People with little balance and no spatial awareness should not try and ride a surfboard over a lake or run accross 4 foot wide bearing mounted rollers over water - unless its for my televisual enjoyment!

Also dorky s8r boi's who just utterly cain themselves into bollards/walls/the ground whilst doing prissy little filp trikz, make my day lads and dont practice, pls stay mediocre:D
kippermitten said:
Anyone really taking a shoeing on Takeshi's Castle, specially the highrollers and surfs up. People with little balance and no spatial awareness should not try and ride a surfboard over a lake or run accross 4 foot wide bearing mounted rollers over water - unless its for my televisual enjoyment!

Also dorky s8r boi's who just utterly cain themselves into bollards/walls/the ground whilst doing prissy little filp trikz, make my day lads and dont practice, pls stay mediocre:D

They both put themselves in that position to be laughed at, making them viable targets. Were talking about things that cant help it, and you still laugh at them.. its virtually owning up to being a harsh *******..IMO
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