Think the weather's grim? Get used to it.

1 Aug 2005

The heavy rain that spoilt May and June looks set to stay for the rest of summer, Met Office research suggests.

Cooler sea temperatures in the Pacific Ocean prompted by the La Niña weather system, sister to El Niño, have been identified as the likely cause of summer depressions sweeping across Northern Europe.

Can I just say - excellent!
Hopefully it's not too cool even if it is raining as I'm going to Newquay next week. Can always go to the pub I guess :D
Love the comment in the "have your say" box at the bottom of the article..

Yes I do agree. The wet weather is here to stay. Good job im going abroad in September. Get some sun at least.
Don't mind if it pees down... it'll keep the scrotes off the streets in the school holidays!

EDIT: Stops my suffering as well (hay fever)
J.T said:
Should the cool weather not be countered by the Global warming :confused:

Myth. Global Warming does NOT mean that everywhere gets much hotter weather, just that the globe as a whole gains 1ºc or so on average.

Our weather could get considerably worse.

This is all assuming you believe in the whole "global warming" hype anyway. I'm of the belief that this is just a weather cycle, it has happened before, it WILL happen again.
Mohinder said:

*looks forward to sliding around in the rain on his bike all year*

Was thinking the same thing :( not good at all, dont mind if its cloudy or even cold but not a whole summer of rain :mad:
Shame really, it's a real pain to keep the car clean in this sort of weather and it makes spending a few days polishing far less rewarding when you don't get to admire the fruits your labour for more than a day at the time. Was looking forward to a pleasant 2 months off over Summer :(
paradigm said:
This is all assuming you believe in the whole "global warming" hype anyway. I'm of the belief that this is just a weather cycle, it has happened before, it WILL happen again.
Weather cycle or not it is global warming :)

I agree with you btw, but global warming is still global warming.
I apologise, it's my fault. I made a point of buying a new car with working air conditioning, and air conditioning for the house in preparation for the summer.

Sorry everyone :(
Dolph said:
I apologise, it's my fault. I made a point of buying a new car with working air conditioning, and air conditioning for the house in preparation for the summer.

Sorry everyone :(
You'll still need it. Its nice and rainy but its still too warm.
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