Think the weather's grim? Get used to it.

I'd like a bit less rain and humidity - though as somebody who has a room facing the afternoon sun i'm glad we're going to get less of it. It means I'll be able to sleep at night! Woohoo!!
Thank god I'm speding the best part of next month abroad then, does nobody like warm weather? I don;t like it boiling gardens, the beach, BBQ's, riding your bike, going out at night and it still being light. What is wrong with you all....
Gilly said:
I've never once turned my electrical equipment off during a storm and never once had a problem with it. No surge protector either :)

My TV got done in the tropical storm we had last summer even though I thought everything was switched off. :(

Had an excuse to replace my old 21" CRT with a new 26" LCD though. :)
Thats funny,

Because I could have sworn the exact same experts said we were going to have the hottest / driest summer on record about 6 months ago. Every met man around the UK and every newspaper panicked for about 2 weeks about how hot it was going to get this year. And I could have sworn they were telling people to ration water / expect hosepipe bans and expect crops to be ruined and gardens to be parched all round the UK.

One of the reasons I take absolutely no notice of weather forcasts that predict weather more than 24 hours in the future. They have no idea what its going to be like next week let alone next year or next month, and no supercomputer now - or in 2000 years time is ever going to be able to tell them ;)
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I practically orgasm when it rains during hay-fever season. :cool:

It's the one thing that brings pure relief.
:D Well pleased

I loved the summer a couple of years ago, but since I've started getting really bad hayfever I cant stand it and am a right miserable git lol

So this is good news
As someone who has an overclocked PC running day and night in a south-facing bedroom I am positively glad of the lack of sun!

I love the rain and snow, when it happens. Yay to more rain!
Now all those people who won on Bullseye but didn't take the Speedboat must be kicking themselves now.....
Mr Nice said:
Now all those people who won on Bullseye but didn't take the Speedboat must be kicking themselves now.....
I haven't watched that for about ten years. Do they still ask people to come and look at what they would have won? :D
iCraig said:
I practically orgasm when it rains during hay-fever season. :cool:

It's the one thing that brings pure relief.

OT your sig Icraig??...when did El get perma-banned??

w00t \o/ at least i wont have to put up with his rubbish threads anymore....:p:D
dirtydog said:
I haven't watched that for about ten years. Do they still ask people to come and look at what they would have won? :D

Seeing as it was discontinued in 1995 I doubt it.
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