Thinking about doing some guttering and drainage improvements around my house

14 Jul 2005
Hi all.

Since I moved into this house I've been meaning to investigate the arrangements for guttering and drainage around my house as it's a bit all over the place.

I need to get the guttering replaced anyway as some of it is leaking, but also it doesn't seem to function very well. There are areas where the fall doesn't work well, a lot of corners, and not enough downpipes.

Around the bottom of the house im unclear where the drainage actually is. There is a soil stack and gulley at the back corner of the house, and all the guttering, bath and sink wastes and kitchen wastes flow into this one gulley through a quite messy arrangement of piping.

Some houses on the street have a front gulley, and mine indeed has a hole where a gulley should be, but the downpipe into it has been removed. There's also a front acco drain to catch water off the driveway but it's not clear where this goes either.

I'm not really sure how to proceed in finding out where some of these drains go and what I can do to improve things. I'm not sure what type of tradesperson I would need to contact to try to figure things out.

I can post some photos of various aspects of it if it helps to get advice. What would it be useful for me to take photos of to help visualise things?

You can pay a few hundred pounds to a company that will do a drainage survey.
They will create a drawing/plan together with a photo survey of the condition of the drain so you can get an understanding of any weaknesses in the system
Thanks I'll look into that.

It's not just the drains though. It's the whole perimeter of the house. For example I have subfloor air bricks that are exactly at the level of the surrounding ground outside.

I'll create a list of all my concerns with a photo of each one and post it here for thoughts.
Here's the situation down my side entry where all the drains and guttering goes.



Its just a mess and I want to tidy it all up. The wall in the picture is the kitchen wall and it's been hacked at so badly over the decades it's full of patchwork mortar repairs. It needs bricks replacing in it.

The gulley area is a mess too as you can see.
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I want to get this small window bricked up. It's already been covered over from the inside with boarding and kitchen units but the lazy retards left the old window in on the outside.

There's yet another airbrick at high level (in total the small kitchen has three air bricks in various places it's ridiculous.

Main foul pipe looks ok. Not much you can do unless you want to get excavator out. Just renew for fresh plastic that's matching?
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Main foul pipe looks ok. Not much you can do unless you want to get excavator out. Just renew for fresh plastic that's matching?

Yeah the main poo pipe is ok now I've repaired the base. If I redo the bathroom I'd get it removed then probably and swap for plastic.

It's everything else that needs work but not sure where to start.
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Many properties are served by separate foul water and rain water drains, the latter often discharging in to natural water courses so it’s important you’re not discharging sinks, baths, etc. in to these rainwater drains and equally rain water in to the foul sewer which can flood them in heavy storms.

Does it look like your property could be served by separate drains? Your local water board/company may be able to advise too.
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Many properties are served by separate foul water and rain water drains, the latter often discharging in to natural water courses so it’s important you’re not discharging sinks, baths, etc. in to these rainwater drains and equally rain water in to the foul sewer which can flood them in heavy storms.

Does it look like your property could be served by separate drains? Your local water board/company may be able to advise too.

No it's an old house it's got a single combined sewer.
You could cut the cast iron off near the bottom and slide a plastic one in. Then boss it and get rid of that long ugly run. The other two sink pipes can boss in as well. Then your gutter drain can just be a straight pipe.
You could cut the cast iron off near the bottom and slide a plastic one in. Then boss it and get rid of that long ugly run. The other two sink pipes can boss in as well. Then your gutter drain can just be a straight pipe.
I think it would be a good idea to get rid of the cast iron, if Im going to cut half of it I may as well get the lot done. I don't know how much damage it will do to where it comes out through the wall though from the bathroom. I'd have to get someone to come in and remove the toilet and do that work, I don't want to try it myself.
I think it would be a good idea to get rid of the cast iron, if Im going to cut half of it I may as well get the lot done. I don't know how much damage it will do to where it comes out through the wall though from the bathroom. I'd have to get someone to come in and remove the toilet and do that work, I don't want to try it myself.
The net benefit to you is negligible/nothing. Just close your eyes and ignore it. At least colour code everything, but don't but yourself into big bills territory for something few people would care about. Only change the soil stack if doing the bedroom.
The net benefit to you is negligible/nothing. Just close your eyes and ignore it. At least colour code everything, but don't but yourself into big bills territory for something few people would care about. Only change the soil stack if doing the bedroom.
No the issue though is that the brickwork is also in a poor state especially the corner of the house at ground level. I need to get some brick replacement done, but if Im doing that then I would also need to re-work the gulley area as its a mess. I want to repoint that whole side of the house as well but again would need brickwork repairs done first and the mess of pipework tidied up first.
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No the issue though is that the brickwork is also in a poor state especially the corner of the house at ground level. I need to get some brick replacement done, but if Im doing that then I would also need to re-work the gulley area as its a mess. I want to repoint that whole side of the house as well but again would need brickwork repairs done first and the mess of pipework tidied up first.
It may have to be one job for it to be proper.

0. Extend drain if required (I wouldn't bother - it's kicked out like it is to avoid the window, and the longer gulley gives you somewhere to tip buckets out without making a mess :D).

1. Remove all pipework - create a dLockers special (or use proper temporary gutters:;pt:1;choc:2)

2. Re-point

3. Re-fit new pipework.

Your air brick problem will only be solved by lowering the drive. The one that is properly at ground level, I'd be tempted to mortar up the bottom row.
Your air brick problem will only be solved by lowering the drive. The one that is properly at ground level, I'd be tempted to mortar up the bottom row.
Im not sure what has happened here really as the ground level round our house is pretty level with the ground level of the neighbour's house yet the block paving that has been laid covers up loads of the airbricks halfway. If I remove it and fit it lower, then I will create a lower area that would fill with water when it rains?

It may have to be one job for it to be proper.

0. Extend drain if required (I wouldn't bother - it's kicked out like it is to avoid the window, and the longer gulley gives you somewhere to tip buckets out without making a mess :D).

1. Remove all pipework - create a dLockers special (or use proper temporary gutters:;pt:1;choc:2)

2. Re-point

3. Re-fit new pipework.
Yes, but specifically on that kerbstone bit around the gulley - what do I need to do there?
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