Thinking of crap thread titles and buying an Xbox 360

ash7jar said:
Whats that Ridge Racer 6 like anybody know

Better or not than Burnout Revenge?
I've only tried the demo's of them both but Burnout Revenge seems like far more fun. I'd imagine it's a great laugh on Live.
just bought a 360, i'm blaming all of you in the console section for making me get this! arghh... gotta stop buying stuff... heh.

ain't got a HD tv at the mo, whats the quality of the included scart like? is it a proper RGB cable? just so i know whether or not to buy the official lead.
NokkonWud said:
Not in the same league. It does have it's admirers however.

me being one, not everyone's cup of tea, starts very slow for the majority of the basic races, so for the 1st part its really easy and you'll win every race, then gets really hard to the point you want to throw your controller at the screen, but i love it
KraniX said:
just bought a 360, i'm blaming all of you in the console section for making me get this! arghh... gotta stop buying stuff... heh.

ain't got a HD tv at the mo, whats the quality of the included scart like? is it a proper RGB cable? just so i know whether or not to buy the official lead.
It's rubbish, buy a RGB scart, or better still, a VGA cable and play it on your monitor (a KVM can also be bought so you're not always swapping cables).
So does anyone have a rough idea of how long we are looking at until the PS3? Im getting pretty fed up with PC gaming now, limited titles and the ongoing need to upgrade this and upgrade that..etc.

Was considering the 360 but is it really worth it? So many people have had problems with them now, im a bit put off.

celliott said:
So does anyone have a rough idea of how long we are looking at until the PS3? Im getting pretty fed up with PC gaming now, limited titles and the ongoing need to upgrade this and upgrade that..etc.

Was considering the 360 but is it really worth it? So many people have had problems with them now, im a bit put off.

It really is worth it! Even those with problems go on about how good the console is. To think Sony won't have problems is naive. You have great games on the Xbox360 now, so definitely purchase one.

You have to remember, you hear of more people saying their Xbox360 died than people making threads saying "My Xbox360 is fine!!".
I have a 360 still and besides not being very impressed with it, well I'm not at all impressed by it =\ I only really wanted oblivion for it, but now that my PC can run the game with full settings in 1920x1200 without a problem really, the need for the 360 has kinda died :( Gonna have to wait till E3 and see if that has anything cool coming for the xbox1.5 any time soon ;\

Ohhh wait, there is 1 excelent game for it, Geometry Wars, sad thing is I can't get access to LIVE from uni halls so I can't get the full version of the game so I have to load up PGR3 every time ;\.

Rant over... for now...
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As you can gather, I'm not too pleased with the 360 :P rather picky in my games and I've been told that due to the fact that I can't get access to LIVE most of the "360" experience is held back for me ¬_¬

Ohh yeh, one of the major things that pee'd me off is the fact that I cannot play Prince of Persia: The Two Thornes which is a game that is still relatively new ;\ Yet Halo2 is supported ¬_¬
Don't suppose someone could tell me if £145 inc for an apparantly less-than-10-hours-used XBox Core package is worth it? Also, claimed that controller has never been used because they already have a Premium pack and used the wireless pads from that.

And any particular points I should check up on such as the handling of warranty because I want to know what my options are if it develops a fault.
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sharingan_sasuk said:
Don't suppose someone could tell me if £145 inc for an apparantly less-than-10-hours-used XBox Core package is worth it? Also, claimed that controller has never been used because they already have a Premium pack and used the wireless pads from that.

And any particular points I should check up on such as the handling of warranty because I want to know what my options are if it develops a fault.

You'll need the receipt. As long as you have a receipt for the purchase there's no need to worry.
If for example it goes bad and you need a refund and they say "we can only refund the card it was bought with" just tell them that you don't have that card because you changed banks.
Alternatively if it goes bad just ring MS and arrange a replacement.
If you're a bit iffy you could buy another legitimately. Then return the duff one for full refund on the new receipt.

One way or another you are covered.
ash7jar said:
I’m thinking about getting an Xbox 360 but just can’t make up my mind

Has anybody here bought one and is disappointed in it??

Or is it best to just wait for the Sony playstation 3 ??

:confused: :confused: :confused:
i havnt gamed on my pc since i got the 360 I think its the best games machine ever Am posting this using a PSP and its hard work :) :D
well i have bought the Xbox 360 now, Got it over the weekend.

It's not the improvment i thought i was going to be, or is that just because i
dont have a HD TV?

I can't seem to read the righting on the screen either, it seems to be Blurred :confused:

How menny of you are actually running it on a HD TV?
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