Thinking of getting a cat, some advice?

I hate cats. End of , good night.( cats think anyones garden but their own is a public toilet).
And anyone who says their cat don't do this is a liar, ( unless they have a litter tray in their house 24/7.

My two cats hardly go outside. Maybe during the summer months to lay on the decking and soak up some rays. I let them out most days to wander around the garden with the dog. They never go into next doors gardens, they even come indoors to take a poo and wee in the litter tray (which is emptied very time they use it).

So I can say 100% truthfully that my cats dont do anything in the neighbours gardens.

They love being indoors. Playing chase and hide and seek with each other. They even have a fight with the dog. They are happy cats.
Heres a pic of our latest addition. Apollo, Persian crossed with Norwegian Forest. This was when we 1st got him

This was around 5 months ago.

Hehe don't want to dis your cat too much but looks like you just emptied the Dyson on your sofa ;)

Has he/she grown out of the "I look like a ball of fluff" stage yet? :p
What is the idea behind a pedigree cat over a normal cat though, they're all cats, unless you take them to shows what's the thinking behind buying one?

My reasoning was that, I was buying 2 cats, who would live for the next 15yrs. For this reason, I wanted the cats to be extra special. I didn't want second best, I wanted the very best, with personalities that I would love for the next 15 yrs. This is exactly what I got.

I guess its the same with dogs - why buy an Alsation or a Rottweiller when you can get a mungrel for free in a shelter?
What is the idea behind a pedigree cat over a normal cat though, they're all cats, unless you take them to shows what's the thinking behind buying one?

I kinda think this is pretty true but we ended up getting our Persian at the rescue. He just happened to be the friendliest cat and I fell in love!

Most pedigrees are bred for temperament so Ragdolls/Persian are more people orientated and friendly than say a moggy (not always the case though!).

I wouldn't ever pay the £100s for a pedigree cat though, I love my tabby just as much as the Persian and would rather have a rescue cat any day!

My reasoning was that, I was buying 2 cats, who would live for the next 15yrs. For this reason, I wanted the cats to be extra special. I didn't want second best, I wanted the very best, with personalities that I would love for the next 15 yrs. This is exactly what I got.

I guess its the same with dogs - why buy an Alsation or a Rottweiller when you can get a mungrel for free in a shelter?

There is no guarentee that any animal you get would live that long. With the case of dogs who are mostly bred for looks they're less likely to live as long as a mutt and generally have a lot more problems. Rescue animals have as much personality/love to give as a pedigree and I would never over look a rescue just because it didn't conform to a certain standard.
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Careful when you trim the claws, as if you cut into the 'quick', the claws will bleed and from that point onwards, your cat will never let you cut the claw again (without a fight).

You will also find it a lot more comfortable when handling your cats, now that the claws are blunted.

In all honesty, you probably dont even need to cut so deep (as the image above shows). All you need to do is cut the sharp tips. This will have the effect of blunting the claw, which is really what you are looking to do.

I use an ordinary human nail clipper to cut the claws. No special tools are necessary.
There is no guarentee that any animal you get would live that long.

This is true, but I have to be prepared to look after them, should they live to 15+ years. Assuming that they would die by age 10 is just being short sighted. Cats must be purchased for the long term and not just for xmas ;)

Rescue animals have as much personality/love to give as a pedigree and I would never over look a rescue just because it didn't conform to a certain standard.

Had my local shelter had an Egyptian Mau or Bengal, then I would definitely have opted to get the cats from there. Unfortunately, the shelter only had moggies.
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