Only proper IT certs previously is the A+ unless you count a Comp. Sci degree as one?
Whats the deal with this? Do you think the course you did was a bit of a let down? Not having a dig at you personally but have observed it a few times on here with other posters making similar comments about computer science at uni -> IT support, ostensibly it ought to be a really in demand degree course producing very employable graduates and it likely is at some institutions but others seem to have issues with it to the point where they then take a job/career path that doesn't require a degree in the first place.
You'd generally expect someone from a good CS program at a top ranked uni to be able to land a junior role as a developer or a BA somewhere or just land a job on a general grad scheme at various large companies or indeed go onto further study at a post grad level.
At the opposite end of the scale, I've had a couple of techie colleagues from bottom of the league table universities whose courses in IT or similar were much less academic but very practical and enabled them to hit the ground running in their techie careers.
I wonder if there is some sweet spot (or rather the opposite of a sweet spot) in between where students are let down by a course that aims to be academic but doesn't really pull it off well enough in some areas and isn't really as practical when it comes to techie/support type jobs as some of the more vocation courses at the lower ranked places either.