Good luck.
Had two final stage interviews this week. Yesterday one was ready to make me an offer....then the salary came in as 14K a year less

Than what I was on before and I took a paycut for that job back then.
Told them I wasn't taking a paycut and the salary was too low for a person of my skillset (20 years working in IT with Azure, MS365 and Intune experience). They ran this through their "Salary Matrix" Some silly spreadsheet which hasn't been updated since 2015, so nothing in their salary matrix to reflect inflation and the tax increase we got where I live in Switzerland.
They have gone back to look at the numbers, so we shall see. I really want the job but Im not financially handicapping myself again after what happened the last time.
In the meantime, getting back into learning German again, will be reading that book over the holiday. Doing abit of automation with Terraform and Powershell in Azure....Oh yeah and this AI thing people are talking about recently

Might look at doing the Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Fundamentals exam, just to get an idea what this is all about.
Already built my own self-hosted Deepseek server on my virtual server, just to play around with.