This Business and Moment...

Just do what the majority of IT staff do....

Google it! :p

Hehe, seriously though congrats. Sounds like a fun role!
Bit bored of my company/industry at the moment. Have a sweet gig but contract with the client coming to an end in December. And not a moment too soon. Have the means to take a few months (or year or three) off if I wanted to. Kinda like NZ but ready for a new role in a new city or country. Money is not really the motivation any more. Weird knowing that at this stage of my life, I have everything I need in terms of 'stuff' and with a bit of financial security behind me, I can actually go out there and do what I want for a change instead of doing what I have to to get by.

Now to figure out what it is I want to do :p
If you're like me it's because you have a strong work ethic and take pride in what you do.

I've done it in many jobs, this latest one seems to get recognition, well, it did in my old team because I had a strong leader (manager) who openly pushed my ideas onto management, many of which have been implemented.

In this new role, I have a flaky manager and I've been in this position for 3 days, no training, no hand over and I've just gotten on with it. Asked if I was ok once.

The people I am helping have all said how efficient it was compared to the old guy but I have no idea how that will translate to the management.

Sucks :(
Bit bored of my company/industry at the moment. Have a sweet gig but contract with the client coming to an end in December. And not a moment too soon. Have the means to take a few months (or year or three) off if I wanted to. Kinda like NZ but ready for a new role in a new city or country. Money is not really the motivation any more. Weird knowing that at this stage of my life, I have everything I need in terms of 'stuff' and with a bit of financial security behind me, I can actually go out there and do what I want for a change instead of doing what I have to to get by.

Now to figure out what it is I want to do :p

Being a civil engineer stuck in a rut myself - rail - I'd be interested to know what you're involved with to be in a financially secure position. I've found the wages to be terrible, albeit I'm still lowish down the food chain.
Just got off the phone from a recruiter. A multi billion company is looking for a new sales person to look after a multi million pound portfolio...said I would see what happens and sent in my CV. Job comes with a £10-£15k payrise on basic plus all the other benefits working for a global company.

Have nothing to loose as I am getting very board in my current role although doing well. Started with £0 turnover last May and latest YTD figures (Jan-July) has been around £450k.

I am still applying for the police and just waiting for results from the Assessment Centre I attended a few weeks back. This is my main priority even though the wage is around £15-£25k basic less!!
Previous employer has rang me again today offering an increased wage would work out around 6K more after tax which would do wonders for me as 6K extra could do a lot for me (deposit for a mortgage on help to buy scheme).

But not sure if i could go back to a previous employer.
Being a civil engineer stuck in a rut myself - rail - I'd be interested to know what you're involved with to be in a financially secure position. I've found the wages to be terrible, albeit I'm still lowish down the food chain.

I had my own company for 2 years up till a few months ago. And I obsessively save. As in I wouldn't buy a bottle of shower gel if I can get another one for 1p cheaper per 100ml - that type of saving. Not constantly with everything, I still treat myself, but I'm not a mug with money. You won't see me walking around with 2x Titan X cards, unless I deem there to be value in it. If so, I'll buy 10 :p

So yep, just saving really. You'd be amazed how quickly it adds up. Do it for a few years and that's it really.

But, like I said above, no use having money if you don't have a plan. I can stick it out where I am and make more, but that's not the goal any more. Not at this stage right now.

Ah well, maybe I'm just having one of those weeks :p
Previous employer has rang me again today offering an increased wage would work out around 6K more after tax which would do wonders for me as 6K extra could do a lot for me (deposit for a mortgage on help to buy scheme).

But not sure if i could go back to a previous employer.

Many people say that it will never be the same when going back, however I do know a few people who went back to their previous employer and it worked out great. One of which actually became a director!

It sounds like they are desperate for you to go back, YOU are in the driving seat here and are in a great position for more negotiation.

I would go back with a counter offer and say you want another £4/5k and you will sign on the line...they may come back with a counter offer somewhere in the middle.

Remember it will cost them much, much more to employ someone else and then have to train them up in the role. Use this to your advantage!

Good luck!!
Been very busy..

Just done a 6 week piece of work for a QoS design (LLD) for one of the EU's largest IP backbone networks (50 million users)

Then I had 3 weeks to write a Juniper MX broadband termination course..

Now I've got a large design review and POC job, to build and test a broadband termination architecture, supporting 128k users @ 100Gbps each, for one of the UK's largest ISPs..

Somehow in the middle of that there's a week holiday..

So you're on the railway? You're with one of the Balfour Beatties or Carillions of the world I assume?

Yes, site engineer on the rail, currently permie, soon to be self employed hopefully. Will possibly stay on rail but I'm not keen on it, depends on day rates I can get. :p

What kind of building company did you operate?
Just (as part of a project team) rolled out Salesforce Servicecloud to 350 users, next step is to help the team deploy the next release that will build on the MVP and after that take it to the rest of the world. Really interesting project to be part of.
Just got back from drinks with one of the managers from work managed to negotiate an extra 3K ontop of what they originally offered me nothing is signed yet though thats to be done on monday. So im looking at 30K a year based on the lowest weekly wage ill get (will earn more when im on nights and work weekends) which is double what i earnt when i was previously there. Abit apprehensive to go back.
Really enjoying my new role and starting to get to grips with what is expected of me - future looks bright! - not advertising, before anyone says as such, no one here is really my target market ha

Is there a slight mistake here in your bio?

''Ross believes that bridging that data gap in education can help provide better support for students and reach those all over the world who do not have access great levels of teaching.''

Seems to be a 'to' missing... 'access to great levels of teaching.'
Back from my many weeks stateside conferencing and trying to catch up with product development and follow ups with people to try and get some sales into get some actual ROI on these things, which would be nice.

My eyes are stinging like mad. I'm beat. I need a week of sleep I think.

Is this endeavour not a side project that you're working on alongside your full time job? If that's the case, are you smashing through your annual leave in order to attend these conferences and meetings? Props to you for giving it such a big push - must be knackering.

The expected negative effects of Brexit haven't quite set in yet in my business - although they will do in time. In fact, a few of our clients are hiring people quickly in order to make the most of the next couple of years before things get murky. Also, the drop in sterling has had another positive effect as a couple of offers we've received in London for our candidates have been through US desks and therefore the salaries have been quoted in USD. We've produced our half-year target in the space of the last three weeks!

Annoyingly, we've just missed out on another fee by 7 minutes. We cleared, interviewed and wrote the overview for a candidate with the intention of sending across to one of our clients. In the meantime, the client asked us to arrange interviews for a couple of other candidates. We spent 20 minutes doing this and in that time one of our competitors sent the initial candidate's CV over to our client... beating us by 7 minutes and us missing out on ~£15,000! Such a competitive market at the moment.

I pitched in for a (semi) exclusive mandate last week - whilst I was in the process of coming down with a severe throat infection; I was sweating, waffling, I could even hear my speech on delay whilst pitching for the mandate. Should find out today whether we're successful. Finger's crossed.
^^ Ooof gutter about missing out by 7mins! Recruitment is totally time critical and cut throat!
How did it go with the mandate?

Yea, that's the one. Although it's kind of taking most of my time at the moment. I'm contract elsewhere, so I just don't get paid if I don't work, which is good for flexibility, bad for income! I can "work remotely" sometimes too. Which has this year been stretched somewhat, I have to say...
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