If you're like me it's because you have a strong work ethic and take pride in what you do.
I've done it in many jobs, this latest one seems to get recognition, well, it did in my old team because I had a strong leader (manager) who openly pushed my ideas onto management, many of which have been implemented.
In this new role, I have a flaky manager and I've been in this position for 3 days, no training, no hand over and I've just gotten on with it. Asked if I was ok once.
The people I am helping have all said how efficient it was compared to the old guy but I have no idea how that will translate to the management.
Bit bored of my company/industry at the moment. Have a sweet gig but contract with the client coming to an end in December. And not a moment too soon. Have the means to take a few months (or year or three) off if I wanted to. Kinda like NZ but ready for a new role in a new city or country. Money is not really the motivation any more. Weird knowing that at this stage of my life, I have everything I need in terms of 'stuff' and with a bit of financial security behind me, I can actually go out there and do what I want for a change instead of doing what I have to to get by.
Now to figure out what it is I want to do![]()
Being a civil engineer stuck in a rut myself - rail - I'd be interested to know what you're involved with to be in a financially secure position. I've found the wages to be terrible, albeit I'm still lowish down the food chain.
Previous employer has rang me again today offering an increased wage would work out around 6K more after tax which would do wonders for me as 6K extra could do a lot for me (deposit for a mortgage on help to buy scheme).
But not sure if i could go back to a previous employer.
I had my own company for 2 years up till a few months ago.
Was the company engineering related?
So you're on the railway? You're with one of the Balfour Beatties or Carillions of the world I assume?
emotuit.com - not advertising, before anyone says as such, no one here is really my target market ha
Back from my many weeks stateside conferencing and trying to catch up with product development and follow ups with people to try and get some sales into get some actual ROI on these things, which would be nice.
My eyes are stinging like mad. I'm beat. I need a week of sleep I think.
The expected negative effects of Brexit haven't quite set in yet in my business