This Instant And Moment - 2019!

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29 Jul 2011
In acme's chair.
Signed off work for a week to give me some time to recover from stress etc, depression and anxiety getting me down at the moment. Not in a great place right now! Trying some different medication and recommended I get cognitive behavioural therapy as well so I can attack it from both angles!

Made this thread to make myself feel better cos I miss the days of TIAM and the mods threatening to ban us all for overloading the server... :D

Still, I shall try and make use of the few days I have off rather than stewing, I'll see if I can get a few bits and pieces done to the cars.

How are we all doing? :)
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Oh dear, is this your new job?

Ah yes that job that I got, which changed my life because of the reduced hours, greatly increased pay, and so on.

Yeah I got that job, and then they told me that due to an HR ****-up the position I was given wasn't actually available, and I am waiting for them to sort it out and tell me when a position is likely to become available...

For all intents and purposes then, I haven't got the job, but might have -somewhen-

That is one of the reasons for the way I am feeling right now... Something life changing handed to me on a platter at the perfect time, when I am planning on moving out, and then ripped away again. Making me bitter about my current position because I thought I was about to escape, and now I'm still there, working for what now feels like a paltry wage...

Drank too much last night, feel groggy... Probably not a good idea to drink half a bottle of rum in an evening but when mixed with orange juice, it just tastes like orange juice..... :p
It's scary as.

I've worked out I'll need around 20k+ as a deposit.

That's not much off of the property price my parents bought as their first...

Thankfully my salary will help, however, I receive what I would class as a significant bonus, and that won't be taken into account, or it may be, but only half of it. Fair enough I guess, still annoying as it takes 40kish off of what I could be lent...

I'm in a fortunate position in as much as that I have a sizeable deposit set aside already (about 40K), the main issue is that my job situation is uncertain at the moment, and property prices in this area are obscene... So I'm probably further from moving out than you. :p
Thinking of jacking in my position as a rep for a car club I help with, I just cannot stand the amount of riced out chavved up **** that many of the members drive, and I cannot keep my thoughts to myself. They have asked me to arrange the stand at USC for about 30 cars but I think I'd struggle to pick 30 which aren't utter tripe and I'll just end up saying the wrong thing to someone if I choose any old ****. :p

Someone just joined with an E87 1 series, its slammed onto some black alloys, has eBay special plastic arches, that stupid paint job which seems popular these days where its loads of triangles of different shades of grey, bonnet vents, stupid bumpers a-la max power, and loads of Hartge and Reiger stickers and badges when I don't imagine there is a single Hartge or Reiger part on it, and some of the other admin have commented on it complimenting it etc and I found it hard not to write a paragraph about how **** it looks. :p
Well I told the group owner that I'm throwing in the towel this morning. One less thing for me to worry about.

Though my friend who is also a rep hasn't replied to my message despite seeing it so I hope I haven't ****ed her off. :eek: :p
Well my collection of about 100 unique (as in no two the same) bottle caps has been accidentally disposed of... It took a surprising amount of time to accumulate so many! About 5 years or so... :(

Some of them are no longer in production, and some of them my boss got me from abroad...
I do have an absolute pile left, I just save em out of habit. Give me a shout if you want them :)

Go on then! :) No rush though so may as well wait til we next go to a run.

Thanks :p

This is the sort of thing I wanted to do eventually.


Strikes me that to achieve something like the top one, I need to collect several of each. :p
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Got banned from Facebook for 24 hours for calling someone with a GT86 with stupid camber and lows which can't go down a flat road without ripping its own bumper off a "fag" :p :(
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