This Instant And Moment - 2020!

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Bless her heart.

Yes indeed. Thanks, Mrs S.

She's pretty good today and as it's a fairly bright, dry day here I'm taking her for a spin in the car this afternoon, and hopefully on to one of her favourite cafes if she feels up to it.

You gotta play the best hand you can with the cards you're dealt and be grateful you have a hand at all, because many other folk don't.

(And we get to eat lots of nice cake, so it's not all bad. :))
Weird question..

Yeast is a living organism, I.e. it breeds, needs specific temperature and nutrients to survive and can die if starved or temperature changes.

So my question is if you were an out and out vegan would you be able to eat bread or drink an alcoholic drink as the yeast is killed in both processes?
Weird question..

Yeast is a living organism, I.e. it breeds, needs specific temperature and nutrients to survive and can die if starved or temperature changes.

So my question is if you were an out and out vegan would you be able to eat bread or drink an alcoholic drink as the yeast is killed in both processes?
Flu virus, salmonella bacteria etc are the same. You gonna stop using soap?
I don't know, the vegan in work was saying stuff like not allowed lettuce or cabbage as it kills the plant in harvesting it.

I'm very stumped about what you can actually eat now
That vegan is also... Misinformed or into something else entirely.

Vegans eat plants. Jains don't eat things pulled from the ground for instance, but veganism is just about animals (including insects but not including microorganisms).

Been vegan for January and while I will largely keep it up, I do plan to treat myself to steak very soon :)
Planning an absolutely insane US theme park road trip for this summer. Just booked my stay at Dollywood (yes, Dolly Parton's theme park - no, really). Absolutely ridiculous - my face right now!!! :D

BRING ON LIGHTNING ROD \o/ (if you watch the below vid, don't skip the lift hill....)

Just had to rush my mate upto the local vets, our neighbour's pitbull/staffy got out and attacked my mates little bichon...

I was sat with the kids and the missus ran in shouting call an ambulance, i ran outside expecting someone to have been ran over as there was a lot of cars around but turns out the dogs attacked and my mates missus was led on the floor trying to protect her little bichon bless her
Currently being stiffed hard by Spotify. I‘ve had premium since 2014, with part of the appeal for me being that you can save music to listen to offline, which has been useful for me, seeing as I work away for 3 months at a time, while I only have to go online for a few seconds every month to keep it valid.

However, for some reason, a good chunk of my library, despite being saved for offline and my account still being valid, just won’t play anymore. The only advice, other that going online and offline again (which hasn’t worked) is that I reinstall Spotify and redownload all my music. I have 26GB’s saved, while I get 4GB‘s worth of WiFi a month. Not that it’s fast enough to download it all anyway....
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We'd been away for a few days and when we got back and looked at the homepage of Amazon Prime it had loads of dirty movies. The kind you'd have expected on Channel 5.

At first we accused our daughters boyfriend of watching them but he maintained his innocence, then we started discussing who else had our details and remembered we sometimes get emails from Amazon when my wifes Uncle has downloaded an app or something on his Fire TV.

Turns out he'd subscribed to this

He's about 75 the dirty old ******!
Debating whether I should clean my mug finally or let the flavour keep building :D


Edit: rah, what kind of messed up resolution is my camera set too :confused:
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