God my mother is so frustrating at times.
She's had back pain for a while and a couple of weeks ago she stupidly lifted something too heavy and made it worse. I recommended some stretches to help etc as it sounded like sciatica.
She keeps saying no to doing stuff now (I.e. going out for a gentle walk somewhere) because of her back and last weekend when we were out she came over sick. I told her she might need to book in to see the physio at the GP surgery. (Which she ignored)
Cut to today and she said her back pain has spread to her groin. I've told her she needs to go to docs as it could be a UTI/kidney infection. She's now using any excuse for it though contradicted herself saying the sciatica has gone and the pain is on the other side of her back. I've said again to get it checked out and made a point of how stubborn my dad was with not going sooner.
I get back "it's on the right side now not the left"
told her that she has a kidney each side so that's irrelevant. Her latest reply is she'll see how it goes
She went on and on about how my dad should have gone to doctors sooner when he was having issues and kept saying if he had maybe the cancer would have been detected sooner etc. She would constantly moan how stubborn he was and yet she's doing the exact same thing!
I've told her if it's not better by end of the week then she's got to book docs
/rant over