This Instant And Moment - 2023!

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I was walking past a house earlier and saw a sign in the window saying "we know about the bees" and something about a bee keeper has been contacted

I'm looking up at the roof area of the house as I'm walking trying to spot a nest or something and then I noticed this small mass on the wall about 3-4ft off the ground :O

Think they seemed calm enough and didn't attack me so I took a photo then realised how dumb it was to stand about 1meter away from them.


Kill it with fire already :D
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Without bees we’re screwed, they’re generally harmless too, this lot are probably just looking for a new home. trying to sell me an extension on my washing machine guarantee. It’s a washing machine, I’m good thanks :p. They must make a fortune on electronic insurance.
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Without bees we’re screwed, they’re generally harmless too, this lot are probably just looking for a new home. trying to sell me an extension on my washing machine guarantee. It’s a washing machine, I’m good thanks :p. They must make a fortune on electronic insurance.
When Comet went bust there was like 70M of 'potential profit' sitting in the Caymans. Outrageous how much cash they make on these deals. They were good for exploiting if you tempered your morals.
Thumbs still a bit sore after slicing it with the secateurs yesterday. My gaming tv is meant to be getting repaired after lunch, but I’m not sure my thumb is up for gaming :p
Schools round here break up today or tomorrow. :rolleyes::rolleyes: for the badly behaved kids spending more time at my work for the next few weeks

Some schools' last day is only half the day. What's the point? Also do kids actually learn new stuff during the final week? When I was at school, the final week was spent watching films, playing games - indoors and outdoors or quizzes. My final 3 weeks of primary school were spent going round the school, sorting out, cleaning etc.

(Think) when I was in year 8, I finished a week earlier as parents were ****** off with going to school for **** ***. Wrote letter to explain this. Head wrote reply something on the lines of that you are depriving Cheesefest her education - yeah for watching films.
Schools round here break up today or tomorrow. :rolleyes::rolleyes: for the badly behaved kids spending more time at my work for the next few weeks

Some schools' last day is only half the day. What's the point? Also do kids actually learn new stuff during the final week? When I was at school, the final week was spent watching films, playing games - indoors and outdoors or quizzes. My final 3 weeks of primary school were spent going round the school, sorting out, cleaning etc.

(Think) when I was in year 8, I finished a week earlier as parents were ****** off with going to school for **** ***. Wrote letter to explain this. Head wrote reply something on the lines of that you are depriving Cheesefest her education - yeah for watching films.
So do you want them to stay later or finish earlier? Really can't tell.
Customer this week when asked said they produce Gypsum which goes into food and beverage products in the manufacturing process. As I was pre-occupied at the time I didn't think much of it and then thought later on, hang on a minute........Gypsum going into food?

I just googled it and it was true so he was not checking I was paying attention after all.
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So the small balding one in detectorists asks his future love interest, the lady mechanic at work to have a quick look at his tr7s misfire in the work car park ,next time he sees her, did you get chance to have a look ? yes she replies it was the head gasket i fixed it
i know its made up but couldn't it have just been an ht lead ? its too unbelievable
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I was at someone's house earlier around 6pm and this drunk woman comes walking in and basically takes off her coat, sits on the floor and won't leave.

she doesn't know who she is, where she lives, where she was supposed to be going etc

she could still walk mostly okay so I'm guessing it was alcohol+drugs legal or otherwise.

I'm guessing she was like 25-30 years old.

never seen such a bizzare thing in my life

we took her phone off her to call someone but it was dead so the only other option for her safety was the police who arrived in 10 minutes and took her away.
she couldn't tell them who she was either so I'm guessing she got to sleep it off in a cell.
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