This Instant And Moment - 2024!

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Kinda sad Saturday night takeaway has finished for good. Was the last good old fashioned Saturday night show left. With the rise in streaming and talent/reality shows, don’t think there’ll be any more
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Finally landed on the sofa after a nearly 12h day of wiring my house. Had a friend visit to help with some of the messier/more power tool heavy jobs. Gonna have a bath and soak the plaster dust off me :)
My stomach has sadly deteriorated and even the addition of a PPI isn't helping so on friday evening I started this :(

I'm now having to be hyper alert for any signs of minor twitching but so far nothing which is something although I'm only allowed it for a further 5 days.

Try it on me - to make sure you're not doing it to someone who's got PM disabled.

I'm on mobile so can't check desktop site, sorry :(

(Also falling asleep...)
Test sent

They an ild account so only unfolw and ignore as options but that's for being a test
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Gave a statement to the police just now, last week someone came in to the building in a temper and basically kicked a door or two in he had access so presume he was current or ex resident, some kind of domestic maybe GF has kicked him out, who knows. Anyway the cops knocked and asked if I knew anything I said I did and gave details they asked if I would be willing to make a statement in court if it came to it I said I would wonder what i'm letting myself in for. Don't suppose anything will come of it but still too much crap kicks off these days and too many people just look away.
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So I gave up a high paying job because it was messing my mental health up, I took a less paying job but more mentally stimulating that we could survive comfortably on with me and my missus wages..

Well today the school she teaches at has decided to lay off half the teachers..

I’m now worried I’m gonna have to go back to a job where I spend the majority of my life either off shore or in ****** hotels staring at the ceiling wonder why I’m bothering.

Tempted to tell her to get the **** out, I’ve spent the last 12 years giving everything to this relationship and I’m in exactly the same situation when I left the army, something I loved.

Reminds me of the Star Trek quote, you can do everything right and still lose.

My stomach has sadly deteriorated and even the addition of a PPI isn't helping so on friday evening I started this :(

I'm now having to be hyper alert for any signs of minor twitching but so far nothing which is something although I'm only allowed it for a further 5 days.

I was given that drug once for nausea as needed. The first time I took it was one of the worst days of my life. Half hour after taking it, I started to feel restless. Over the day this sensation got stronger to the point where as soon as I stopped moving, I got a horrible tingly feeling growing in my stomach to the point where I had to get up again. It was so bad I couldn’t stop crying. Moving was the only way to stop it. Turned out I had got Akathisia as a side effect

I just prayed that it was a one off and thankfully it was. Lasted about 10 hours until I could finally rest normally. Never took it again as docs said it could become permanent if it happens enough times. I’d rather thrown up every 5 minutes than experience that hell again.

I was like this woman for hours on end

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I was just given two 400g bags of Haribo golden bears as a belated (60th) birthday gift. I am embarassed by such riches, but I shall survive.
Got my final JSA payment, when I told them I had found a job ( well got my old one back) they failed to approve the 2 weeks payment from before I started.
Absolute ********* , I got it back but if It had been someone with no buffer that's a month with zero money
I was given that drug once for nausea as needed. The first time I took it was one of the worst days of my life. Half hour after taking it, I started to feel restless. Over the day this sensation got stronger to the point where as soon as I stopped moving, I got a horrible tingly feeling growing in my stomach to the point where I had to get up again. It was so bad I couldn’t stop crying. Moving was the only way to stop it. Turned out I had got Akathisia as a side effect

I just prayed that it was a one off and thankfully it was. Lasted about 10 hours until I could finally rest normally. Never took it again as docs said it could become permanent if it happens enough times. I’d rather thrown up every 5 minutes than experience that hell again.

I was like this woman for hours on end

Gosh, I'm so sorry that happened to you! That must have been terrifying to go through. :(

I have been offered it before when I started to get stomach problems years ago but read so many horrifying experiences like yours, that I was always petrified of taking it.

I know it is mainly for nausea but I'm taking it because my stomach seems to have stopped working properly, although I have an endescopy next Monday afternoon to see if they can get a proper look inside.

I seem to be one of the lucky one's so far with that medication as it is really helping and so far I'm not suffering from anything negative yet but this could all change depending on how long I can take it for and the risks get higher the more and longer you take it, which isn't great at all.

I usually take a PPI to help but with this latest attack, it has done nothing so I'm just really relieved that this horrible "Parkinson's" type drug is helping because the symptoms I was getting were enough to make me have some seriously dark and scary thoughts!
Got some major 1st world problems here, my digital smoker grill has been delayed until Monday so now I have to wait another week before I'll have time to play! I'd planned a Saturday day of smoking and eating too much, oh well.

The childish part of me is secretly really gutted but then I have to remind myself that I'm 37! I can weather this storm.
Soo another example of over reaction/ not understanding animals from my missus who is / was adamant that she wants to be a small holder..

So I’m sat at work with a load of apprentices when the receptionist comes storming in. “Your wife has called, the dogs been injured and there’s blood everywhere, she sounded panicked”

Me “oh, ok I’ll ring her now”

Ring her, she’s in the car coming back from the park with the dog in the back.
Is the dog acting differently? Her no he’s still excited about where he’s going to next, is the dog whining? Nope, was he limping? No, how much blood is there? It’s everywhere he covered in it!

Odd, so head home.

Get home and find her on the phone with her mother in the car whilst the dog is sat in the back of the car.

Missus is adamant she’s taking him to the vet…

Get the dog out of the car let him walk in front, no limp, bit of blood on his legs and small drops on floor. Ok so it’s not making him limp so no pain.

Carry the dog upstairs as I don’t want blood on the carpet and put him in the bath tub. And start the bath. Wash all the blood off and give him a proper clean. Once clean find the source of the cut, he’s sliced his carpal pad on his left paw. It’s bleeding slightly. Point it out to my missus whose face has now become very grey. Ask her if she’s ok and she just drops out like a light. So now I have a bleeding wet dog that will try to escape the bath and my missus out on the threshold..

Closed the shower screen on the bath as he’s not a clever dog when it comes to glass, check on my missus all good she comes around asking what happened…

Once’s she’s sat down and sipping a glass of water I go back to the dog dry him off, clean the wound again with antibacterial wipes and spray. Get out the dog plastic plaster spray, put on a patch and bandage it in place and release the dog, who’s more ****** about the bath than the injury.

My missus is now saying we need to take him to the vets, trying to explain to her that pad injuries happen, you can’t stitch them as the skin is not normal as you’ll rip them out before the pad heals. What if it gets infected, that’s why I cleaned and filled it with antibacterial spray then sealed it with the plastic plaster and bandage, plus I’ll check it every day…

I swear if she was in charge of a farm you wouldn’t make money as you’d spend all the money on vet bills.

Basic human and animal first aid should be mandatory in schools.

The dog is fine btw, he’s just scored the left overs of my mother in laws Sunday roast because of course she needed to come over..

Also if you have an animal and it’s hurt itself, take it to the vet if the animal changes its normal actions. With dogs it’s usually ignoring everyone but its favourite. If you are not sure take the animal to the vet
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Was getting fuel earlier and some women got completely triggered by the cashier asking her for ID to buy cigarettes and after the transaction was complete started loud mouthing saying how she was clearly over 40 and giving him a load of **** then until I left was standing there giving a loud mouthed running commentary of everything he was doing and saying how stupid he was at doing it - dunno if she'd had a few drinks or what, completely nasty and uncalled for.

Got my final JSA payment, when I told them I had found a job ( well got my old one back) they failed to approve the 2 weeks payment from before I started.
Absolute ********* , I got it back but if It had been someone with no buffer that's a month with zero money

I had the opposite experience back in 2006 - they overpaid me, then became incredibly hostile and harassing trying to chase up something like £18 the system told them I'd been overpaid when it was actually around £400 and in trying to do the right thing and get them to correct it nearly ended up with them taking me to court because they insisted I was trying to get out of paying £18... I wouldn't be surprised if there is a scandal there under the surface nearly as bad as the whole Post Office thing with people being denied money or told they owed money different to what they actually do.
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