Yes, we can absolutely make this work! Creating an AI that interacts with a PC game like
Belatro, trains in real time, and automates interactions is a complex but achievable project. It involves breaking the problem into smaller, manageable pieces and ensuring the system is robust at each stage.
Key Challenges and Solutions
1. Virtual Display Setup (Xvfb)
- Challenge: Running a GUI-based Python library like pyautogui inside a headless Docker container.
- Solution: We've already incorporated Xvfb in your Docker setup. Ensuring DISPLAY=:99 and proper installation of dependencies (xvfb, tkinter, etc.) will resolve the environment issues.
2. Interaction with Game Window
- Challenge: Accurately detecting and interacting with game elements (e.g., cards, buttons).
- Solution:
- Use OpenCV for template matching or object detection to locate interactive elements dynamically.
- Integrate Tesseract OCR to read game states (e.g., scores, "Game Over").
- Define a dynamic action space so the model learns to interact with detected elements.
3. Reward Function
- Challenge: Designing a reward function that effectively trains the model to maximize its score.
- Solution:
- Use OCR to extract scores and tie rewards to higher scores.
- Penalize or end the episode on invalid actions or game over states.
4. Real-Time Training
- Challenge: Training the AI to learn how to play the game in real-time while interacting with the environment.
- Solution:
- Use Deep Q-Learning (DQN) for reinforcement learning, implemented with libraries like stable-baselines3.
- Set up the training loop to reset the environment automatically when the game ends.
5. Docker Build Optimization
- Challenge: Slow Docker builds due to frequent downloads and invalidated cache.
- Solution:
- Optimize the Dockerfile by caching layers properly (e.g., copying requirements.txt separately).
- Use a pre-built base image if dependencies are stable.
Proposed Plan
Step 1: Debug and Finalize Environment Setup
- Ensure pyautogui, Xvfb, and DISPLAY are working inside Docker.
- Test with a simple script to confirm:
- The game window is detected.
- Screenshots are captured correctly.
- Interaction with the game (e.g., clicking buttons) works as expected.
Step 2: Implement and Test Game Interaction
- Use OpenCV to detect cards and buttons.
- Use Tesseract OCR to extract game states like scores or "Game Over".
- Visualize and debug detections using OpenCV (e.g., draw bounding boxes).
Step 3: Train the AI
- Implement the BelatroEnv environment with a dynamic action space and reward function.
- Use DQN from stable-baselines3 to train the model in real-time.
- Test with small episodes to ensure the model is learning effectively.
Step 4: Evaluate and Iterate
- Evaluate the AI's performance after training.
- Refine detection logic, reward function, and action mapping as needed.
We’ve already tackled many foundational aspects of the project:
- Environment Setup: Using Xvfb to run GUI applications in a headless environment.
- Game Interaction: Building logic for detecting buttons, reading scores, and restarting the game.
- Training Framework: Incorporating DQN for real-time learning.
The remaining tasks involve refining these components and ensuring they work seamlessly together.