Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

18 Mar 2008
Apparently meter rigging is rife amongst takeaway establishments, and it barely gets policed. This is claimed by anonymous industry insiders on MSE. Industry apparently just instead treats it as leakage and cost recovered amongst rest of customer base.
Well that will explain any takeaway not folding at 5-10x electric/gas prices unless the government covers it up with loans... again.
18 Mar 2008
USA must remain the number one.
Europe is more populace and would have eclipsed the USA at some point but they was never going to happen.
A significant chunk of Europe has been heavily scarred by decades of USSR fiscal and political nonsense as well as projected to have it's populace collapse, so no I don't think the US was in any way threatened by it.

The only problem the US has is it's own people.
9 Mar 2003
That means the Government will be paying all my bill for the next year, if I use the same as the last year.

The correct workings are for the new Go tariff. on last years metered usage

Night rate 1560.7Kw @ 7.5p a unit = £117.0525

Day rate 160.6Kw @ 0.4229p a unit = £67.9177

SC 365 days @ 0.4731 per day= £172.6816

Total of £357.6528p

The joy of a small solar and battery setup.
Unfortunately they won't be. It's use it or lose it at the end of March.
10 Sep 2003
Apparently meter rigging is rife amongst takeaway establishments, and it barely gets policed. This is claimed by anonymous industry insiders on MSE. Industry apparently just instead treats it as leakage and cost recovered amongst rest of customer base.
A few years ago my economy 7 meters were the wrong way around, so I got charged night rate at day etc. Didn't notice for 2-3 years then swiftly moved provider and fessed up to the new supplier so I didn't get a large back payment, kinda wish I had kept it hush now :p
30 Nov 2005
A few years ago my economy 7 meters were the wrong way around, so I got charged night rate at day etc. Didn't notice for 2-3 years then swiftly moved provider and fessed up to the new supplier so I didn't get a large back payment, kinda wish I had kept it hush now :p
Lol that happens to me I bought a house where the previous owner had lived for 65 years and the meter was doing that.
27 Feb 2015
I have a feeling meter rigging (or just plain broken meters) is more common than the impression given publicly.

Consider many meters go unchecked for a decade or more by anyone to do with maintenance/repairs.
3 Dec 2021

Such disparity with east and west
The east was probably on cheap Russian gas while the west (like us, Spain, France) etc had to find other solutions. Would be interested to see the mid-2022 numbers vs those old 2020 numbers!
9 Feb 2004
I get that I do. But with unrest you generally have a target for your anger, I don't understand the target or point of unrest in this case or why people would be up in arms.

There's plenty to aim at the government.

Lack of energy security. Short sightedness in investment over the last several decades. No cohesive plan STILL whilst we wait around.

Oh yeh and shutting the country down furloughing most of the country, record lending, pointless projects creating record inflation exacerbating the current financial situation. It's all on the government.

Yup, prettymuch this^
"The government" (as an entity, rather than any particular party) is meant to have a duty to do what's best for their countries people and increasingly over recent years it's become apparent that is just not happening.

Private companies are recording year on year record profits, all the while the tax take gets squeezed onto the working class.
Sooner or later people will have had enough and will demand more be done to reign in these ludicrous yearly profits from companies who avoid paying appropriate tax on the business they conduct within the UK.
Likewise they will start to show their anger at having every last penny of disposable income torn away from them by "greedy energy companies" who's only goal seems to be "let's see just what we can get away with" (I use the term holistically to encompass the entire industry, tho I do recognize that the end-suppliers are often not the greedy ones)
14 Dec 2004
Bridgwater, Somerset
Yeah on TPU where most are American, they act all baffled when I explain things I do to save electric now like turning off PC when going bed, undervolting, spinning down spindles in NAS etc. they all like dude it just saves about $5 a year.
I'm the same when I say about crunching and folding and limiting the volts on the CPUs to get them to lower the power draw.. Ah what it would be like to not have to worry about things like that... TPU is another site I visit and I'm a mod on. Few project logs over there, always about undervolting and builds lol

Have all the hardware, can't use it, electric too expensive.... :p :cry: :eek: :( :rolleyes:
6 Oct 2004
Well the problem is for me is that I do a lot of crunching/folding/mining - not now but the hardware is rarely idling so to speak so its a case of pick the times I can use the rig without worrying and then if I wish to try something that it will eat for breakfast then I'm more than happy :) I'm actually building something that will sip power in complete opposite which I think will be interesting to say the least..
The last build I did the case I used could fit my two girls in, this one, not massively small but it will be a bit tight compared to what I'm used to :p:p

Depending what the crypto market does, mining might turn out to be the cheapest way to heat your home this winter after you offset selling it against your electricity cost :cry:
18 Oct 2012
Sorry if I've missed why, but why don't the kids stay sat night if you have them both days. Wouldn't that reduce how much they are charging you? Fwiw I've 2 kids and am married and we don't spend that much on them, I reckon probably less than 100 quid a month for everything (excluding summer hols, that's been expensive :cry:).
Because my ex won't let me have them overnight.
25 Nov 2007
Yup, prettymuch this^
"The government" (as an entity, rather than any particular party) is meant to have a duty to do what's best for their countries people and increasingly over recent years it's become apparent that is just not happening.

Private companies are recording year on year record profits, all the while the tax take gets squeezed onto the working class.
Sooner or later people will have had enough and will demand more be done to reign in these ludicrous yearly profits from companies who avoid paying appropriate tax on the business they conduct within the UK.
Likewise they will start to show their anger at having every last penny of disposable income torn away from them by "greedy energy companies" who's only goal seems to be "let's see just what we can get away with" (I use the term holistically to encompass the entire industry, tho I do recognize that the end-suppliers are often not the greedy ones)

Constant actions from the government, supported by uneducated communist ideology are slowing destroying everything, step by step.

Most recently windfall taxes, now investing in energy is much worse as the upside is eroded now the risk to reward is much more risky, when now having to also calculate, further government interference.

The common sense thing to do now is 1) pay dividends, 2) do share buybacks, 3) reduce debt. Any large capital expenditures will be cancelled, or delayed, aside from those they have already committed too.

Thus the prices will go up further.

As for tax they are paying tax, what company is not? and go have a look through their financial statements.
6 Oct 2004
Is it time to start looking at electric blankets before they sell out? Are they going to be the next toilet roll and high end GPUs, with people buying them by the pallet load and selling them to shivering pensioners for £500? :p

Any recommendations? Needs to be kingsize and dual control since my other half will most likely have it on max and still feel cold, while I'll be sweating my **** off XD
18 Oct 2012
Sorry, I know its going off topic, but what's her reasoning? Is it purely to keep up her luxurious lifestyle?
Control, power etc. Problem as above, courts are a nightmare at min and it isn't just pay and good to go. You have to apply to do mediation and/or possibly a course and then if that fails you next pay the court etc. It is looking this process at min to take 12-18 months with delays in it all.
23 May 2006
i wonder if octopus energy will do their free electric blanket scheme again this winter?

personally for elecric blankets i was planning on having on whilst in bed, whilst i know nothing about i would not skimp on getting a cheap one from alibaba etc, i would pay more and get from a reliable source.

perhaps me being paranoid but if i was sleeping on it with it on, i would want it to have all the UK or EU fire safety regs

infact maybe things have changed as i have not had an electric blanket for years when we didnt have central heating or double glazing............ but the one i had specifically stated you must NOT sleep with it on. it was purely to warm the bed before you got in.
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