Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

7 Oct 2004
Sage resolved, hopefully: I spoke to someone last week on the phone who was raising this as a complaint on my behalf. Didn't hear anything back so did live chat this time on the website, apparently my smart meter readings were being received just fine the whole time, I was just switched over to billing via estimated readings for no apparent reason. Utterly baffling. They've switched it back onto actual usage now.

You were correct the first time, the company is genuinely inept. Honest to god, one of the worst companies I have had to deal with.
30 Nov 2005
I split from my ex in 2003 and agreed to pay her £50per week I had the lad every Friday and Saturday night and bank holidays etc plus time when I was on holiday.
She just spent it on drink, I changed the standing order to go into her account in a Monday but it didn't stop her. She threated to go to the CSA told her to go ahead, she did and they told me I was paying too much and it went down to £40 per week, lol never forgot the joy I had with that.

She didn't work had house paid full sky package and was out in pub pretty much daily, used to make me sick.

Up shot the boy is now 19 and has he's own flat and she's a crack head
13 Aug 2021
Yeah love to know this too, thinking of just have radiators in livingroom and bedroom and use small halogen leccy heater if needed now and again, wonder if its much of a saving, sorry state of affairs its come to this but present government don't seem to do much about it. Hope is a mild winter.
Where I used to live growing, rented, up we had no radiators at all, just an Rayburn in the kitchen that for 20 years did nothing but give out heat and get cooked on, eventually they did something so it heated the water but no radiators at all.
We used to use one of those gas heaters in the bathroom, might get another one and just turn it on when I have a wash once a week :D
13 Sep 2005
Come Oct/Nov there will be huge unrest. Reality hasn't set in still, but it will. Whether it will amount to much or whether anything is set in place to assuage the public remains to be seen.
14 Dec 2004
Bridgwater, Somerset
Its called child maintanence but in reality you are paying for the mum to have a better standard of living too, even though most of the time it was her choice to leave the partner or run off with another man that probably didnt work out either
My ex is a midwife or something like it so I'd hope she'd have a good standard but in these times and remembering back, I'm really not so sure but its my daughter that I worry about most.

I'm extremely lucky to be in the position I'm in and I don't take that for granted and I'll never go back to doing what I did for my ex when I met her.. Its surprising sometimes how you can see peoples true colours that way...
I seem to remember there being a thread about this in general hardware, and it turned out that the difference in running cost wasnt that much. 500w is 15p/hour at the current cap, so 2 hours/day every day is only going to cost you ~£10/month. Obviously if your play time is into double figures every day then that's going to soon add up, but for us "responsible adults" who sadly only get a few hours gaming a week, it's not worth stressing over
Well the problem is for me is that I do a lot of crunching/folding/mining - not now but the hardware is rarely idling so to speak so its a case of pick the times I can use the rig without worrying and then if I wish to try something that it will eat for breakfast then I'm more than happy :) I'm actually building something that will sip power in complete opposite which I think will be interesting to say the least..
The last build I did the case I used could fit my two girls in, this one, not massively small but it will be a bit tight compared to what I'm used to :p:p
7 Sep 2014
Come Oct/Nov there will be huge unrest. Reality hasn't set in still, but it will. Whether it will amount to much or whether anything is set in place to assuage the public remains to be seen.

I don't understand why you think there will be huge unrest. This isn't like the poll tax, it's raw material prices increasing - what would they be protesting against?
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