"This is the Bugatti Veyron of gaming systems"

It's beautiful! And I was shocked at kitguru's estimation of power consumption working out at £1 of leccy per 6 hours of gaming.
Will there be an 8pack version with full watercooling or are you gonna do it with 2 dual titan gpus? Would love to see a build log of one.
I think this might wait until after the next CPU launch. As I pointed out before, this is pretty much the best performance possible from a quad GPU rig due to CPU bottlenecking. We can't eeek much more out of the current CPUs and 8Pack hates wasted performance.
I decided to stop naming everything after Dinosaurs, but this one is named Vesuvius because that's the AMD codename for the graphics card.

And there's me thinking your trying to cash in on the new movie based on the lost city of Pomppei. ;) It's a lovely looking system btw.
Can you comment on microstutter? I was reading a very iffily translated page on another system with dual 295X cards and there was a mention of microstutter, but the translation was so poor I couldn't be sure what they were saying about it.
As Scotti says, very popular for us to the tone of several units a week. Were even selling a few 8 Pack systems now a month which are priced £6000-£10,000.

Like Scotti says so many people would love a high-end good looking water-cooled system but can't build it themselves or simply don't wish to build it themselves, hence they come to ourselves for a solution.

Lots of people out their with 100k+ cars, who are very wealthy and just want a state of the art solution PC wise that looks the part too, a service we offer. :)

I think what a lot of people forget is there are still plenty of people out there who don't do making their own things, and just want the absolute best, cost be damned!
Its a good system undoubtedly, I make the parts bill £3574. The build fee seems pretty heavy but not totally awful!

What I do find poor, is the very small SSD and no optical drive included whatsoever. The sound card has already been mentioned, but I assume the asus has some sort of decent onboard sound?

You can claim people buy from steam/origin but the fact is a lot of people (those who cannot build a system themselves) undoubtedly would rather have an optical drive too.

Storage is handled by both a SSD & HDD, a Samsung 840 Evo Series 250GB is selected a primary drive enabled for record OS boot times and configured for split second application and game load times

This ^^ isn't really apt. You aren't going to get many modern games, OS and other apps on a 250gb ssd.
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Its a good system undoubtedly, I make the parts bill £3574. The build fee seems pretty heavy but not totally awful!

What I do find poor, is the very small SSD and no optical drive included whatsoever. The sound card has already been mentioned, but I assume the asus has some sort of decent onboard sound?

You can claim people buy from steam/origin but the fact is a lot of people (those who cannot build a system themselves) undoubtedly would rather have an optical drive too.

This ^^ isn't really apt. You aren't going to get many modern games, OS and other apps on a 250gb ssd.

There's not just the build fee included. Yes it does take a while to build, but it take even longer to test everything is 100% stable - if it isn't then parts need to be swapped out and replaced, and the testing has to start all over again. The Infinity systems all come with our highest binned chips (bar the 8pack ones), and sometimes even they can't manage the ridiculous overclocks OcUK offers. I've build systems that have gone through 3-4 processors before passing our rigorous testing - and that takes a lot of time.

Not only that but you have a 2 year warranty with email/phone support too. OcUK technicians will try to solve any issues with our systems over the phone to minimise any downtime. If it's the case that a part has become faulty and no longer works - which unfortunately can and does happen - we arrange a collection for the system, fix any issues and replace any faulty parts, as well as ship the system back to the customer, all included in the cost of the system.

I have always built my own systems, and probably always will, but I can definitely see why there's a market for prebuilt systems, and you really do get a lot for your money at OcUK. A lot of people on these forums seem to forget that you aren't the target audience for our prebuilt systems..

As for the 'small' SSD and no optical drive - you can add a few TB of SSD to the system should you wish. You can even add an optical drive if you're still living in the 90s - seriously, they are a dead technology and the less systems that have them, the better.

As for the sound card, if you're using headphones you'd probably be better off with an external DAC, which is why the system doesn't come with a sound card as standard - though again, you can add what ever you like to the build to make it custom tailored to yourself.
So what happens to the chips you reject from testing you selling them on as new unused as surly they would be b grade stock then????????? Just wondered as you said you have used 3-4 processors before you got a pass and if your selling as many systems as you say thats a lot of processors being used and failing your testing.
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I don't think optical drives are dead... less used sure but dead that's a bit final :p

But then again we can't all be rich and have top-end tech,gadgets and cars that make no need for it all...

Still there is always going to be someone with a full wallet that wants things such as this monster rig and will always pay silly prices just to have it, even though no one would ever need such a thing just to play games :p
So what happens to the chips you reject from testing you selling them on as new unused as surly they would be b grade stock then????????? Just wondered as you said you have used 3-4 processors before you got a pass and if your selling as many systems as you say thats a lot of processors being used and failing your testing.

Let's say a chip cannot do 4.7Ghz, simple it will be used in a 4.6Ghz bundle. Can't do that then a 4.5Ghz System and so on. The processors would never re-enter our normal stock
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