Will check later for highlights of the cross examination, plus turds hilariously over the top acting, facial expressions and her amazing ability to "cry" but not she'd a single tear. Gold digging ****.
Shes obviously paid some attention over the last week about whats being said about her in the dock because her behaviour is very different today, no OTT acting, very few facial expressions and no dry crying. A much more normal person in the box seat today
I'm watching the stream by legalbytes on youtube, a group of 5-6 lawyers who are all commenting on the trial as it happens. Basically Amber just keeps on digging and they all say based on her testimony today vs before the break they suspect she has had contact with her legal team over the break perioud which she was expressly told was not allowed.
That's a wierd defence, they are going for, basically saying everyone else is a liar, except Amber.
Left image shown today. To me, being a photographer and use LR and PS, its just colour adjusted to bring out more red.
Left image shown today. To me, being a photographer and use LR and PS, its just colour adjusted to bring out more red.
Bit of blush applied then the colours cranked up to make it look like an injury.