Poll: This Johnny Depp Stuff

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Again I've been having this on mute with subtitles in the background so haven't caught much of it. But I just turned it on to hear the earpiece cross exam. LOL, credibility destroyed.
I rfeally didn't understand this tangent
I think the implication was that Marlon Brando was one of the most talented actors and also wore an earpiece. Therefore establishing that some actors do indeed wear them, thereby weakening the expert witness testimony who admitted he could be wrong.
I think the implication was that Marlon Brando was one of the most talented actors and also wore an earpiece. Therefore establishing that some actors do indeed wear them, thereby weakening the expert witness testimony who admitted he could be wrong.
Yeah , but to what end?
Personally Amber is trying to milk as much $$$ as she can whilst also boosting her celeb status, thus leading to more work.

Depp - a bit of a **** bag too.

I do think he struck her, but not on the scale she is making out - she has been secretly taking photos of him throughout the years in his drunken/drugged states to build up her case for in the future divorce - she knew what she was doing.

Unfortunately Depp has the better star power, lawyers and social media team - this has gone nothing like Amber envisaged.

That being said, they will both make further $$$'s with chat show appearances, book deals and a wave of new movies.

Lawyers are making a mint too!!
i dunno who this tart giving evidence is but she's a comedic genius. comparing Turd in draw power/earning ability to Ana Darmas and Jason Mamoa etc, and saying she could have done a film a year for 5 million a time :cry: and apparently it's all due to Walmdan's defamatory comments, not to do w/ the "actress" being an abusive wretch who sh*ts on beds and was revealed to have conned charities out of literally millions of dollars.
I was a bit worried about this cross, but he is now decimating the witness, with regards to comparing AH to the likes of Jason Momoa and Gal Gadot.

Apparently Aquaman is in the top grossing films of all time. When cross said, top DC films, she said no, at least in the top 10.

Uhh its 24th.
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