Poll: This Johnny Depp Stuff

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The same 15 mins of fame drivel from yesterday. Zzz
Tbf I studied law for about 3 months back in college and sat in a public gallery once. You get all sorts of weirdos coming forward for their "15 mins of fame" even when it is a boring, non-televised thing.

A postie was at a murder trial who basically said "the window was open and that was usual"...

The chap in all fairness had very little to say other than implicate the copy right owner sent the video because it took 15 mins to get approved...
It was obvious either she did it or someone close to her, but now we have a testimony saying that instead of speculation, which is good I suppose?
Didn't Amber claim she doesn't know who sent it? which is an obvious lie now (assuming it happened, I can't remember!), not including the slip up ofc.
Tbh I wouldn't have put myself on the global stage to testify something like that. Hence I do buy the 15 mins of fame claim...especially as he came prepped with his sarky come backs.

Edit: And fabulous eyebrows/bleached hair.
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