This man knows who stole my phone, can anyone help

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Post #741 has a quoted link to the YouTube vids that appears to still be active (not clicked it just in case, but had linky hand pop up). Does that want to be edited to remove the link for the time being?

Loving this thread though and I did the root and install Cerberus last night too. getting a kick back from Cerberus on this one ;-)
I wish the lawmen would hurry up,i mean, i like crispy bacon,but mine is getting cremated trying to keep up with this thread,actually cremation would be a fine end to the thieving scrote.
Good luck op.
Christ, and the police wonder why people have so little faith in them. Give them everything on a plate and they do nothing! :mad: I'd be tempted to tell them that you and some friends will be paying him a visit this afternoon as previously mentioned. FGS!
Personally, after waiting this long, I would be locating the phone myself once he is in town. If you have some large friends with you, it might be best to have a "meeting" down a dark alley. You never know, you might end up with his stash :D
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