This time next year my gamerscore will be....

Awwww. Maybe you need to make a "girl power" gamerscore community. Spread the word, women's rights... and all the other stuff. I join just so I could discuss girlish things :D

I don't have time to be a gamerscore addict. I would love to as its a nice hobby. Allows you to play the game so much you know it inside out.

Lol :D
I got lucky (sort of) and have had loads of free time this past year, but this coming year the free time's going to vanish so that's why I'm going for a less ambitious target. Ironically I'll have more money to buy games just less time :o

Wait, Haly's female? WTF?!

Afraid so :p ;)
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I'm on about 4k after just over a year of owning an Xbox 360, I'm really not to bothered about the score but do enjoy getting the achievements. I've got one mate who is really competitive so I do want to stay ahead of his score just to bug him. :D
it will depent on what games I buy I notice some games give loads of free points away.

ie 10gp for just switching the thing on.
20gp for playing online etc.

Most of my points have come from those type of freebies as I have 5-6 games to play at the moment (bought as a bundle with the box) once I get into the games (unless I go searching for how to get points on websites) I expect my points scoring to slow down abit.

I'm at 600 so can reasonably expect to get around 2.5k this year perhaps 3k but i'm an xbox noob so don't have any gp charts to notice what the gp slowdown is mid game.
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