Thor: Love and Thunder

13 Mar 2007
South Yorkshire

Marvel Studios' Thor: Love and Thunder arrives only in theaters July 8

Going same route as they did with Ragnarok with the theme of this by looks of it.
From the trailer looks like they are introducing Zeus and Olympus. So good chance Hercules might make an appearance to MCU.
Lol I love how this is so Marmite .

Me personally, I love it. The humour route they have taken with Thor really works for me.

I look forward to this I love him and "starlord's"
Interactions it's so simply simple but brilliant to both characters.

Yes finally a marvel film I want to watch again, well this and Dr strange......
Thor as a comic book character isn't a comedian even if he occasionally is funny. The first 2 Thor MCU films were far closer to "actual" Thor, although Thor 2 was a really poor film, so his subsequent demotion to comic relief in Ragnorak was the final split between what Thor originally represented and the MCU version which is now effectively non-canon its deviated so far.

Obviously Marvel chased the money and Thor 3 revitalised their bank accounts so they're never going to change him back understandably. I'll still be watching it but only for the Guardians as Thor feels more like a sidekick in someone else's movies nowadays.
Neither Thor 1 or 2 were any good really. 1 somehow managed to make a great cast incredibly wooden and 2 likewise made no use of a good actor for the bad guy with only the Loki scenes being any good in it.
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