You could train Service Dogs to bark every 15 minutes.Ask them where their guide time dog is?
You could train Service Dogs to bark every 15 minutes.Ask them where their guide time dog is?
Says someone who has never had any cognitive issues due to illness or injury.
There are cognitive issues that cause things like bad short term memory loss, one of my friends has periods where he can turn an alarm off and continue with something he's already started as simple as putting the milk in the fridge, and forget the timer ever went off or what it was for, he's not thick or daft but has a medical problem that can screw with his memory and perception of time especially if he's got any infections or is overly tired.
IIRC concussions, and various infections can cause issues like this that might result in someone suffering from it intermittently for anything from hours to days, whilst some other conditions can cause it longer term.
Basically anything that affects how the brain function can cause all sorts of weirdness with awareness. it's akin to the delirium/delusions you can suffer when ill* where you might be out of it like you're on acid, except it's affecting you in a more specific and limited way.
*Fairly common with severe infections, or even just "mild" kidney ones from memory.
Don't live in the Med then as there's nothing that happens on time there !
Yes, but remember that they are Mums, so expect some minor wear and tear.Do I get to buddy up with a Mum?
Isn't that just getting your attention drawn into an activity?
Happens to me all the time but this is the first i've heard it being anything other than normal human perception of time and the entire reason we invented clocks.
This world is obsessed with making diagnoses up, pills, feelings etc.
Ironically we are far less free and tolerant than we used to be. Everyone has to be on point and efficient. We should all the questioning the uniform drive that is probably making us all mad instead.
Yeah, welcome to 2023 where everything is a condition to absolve anyone of any blame or the requirement to do what people have done for a very long time. Sort themselves out or work around it.
Everyone loses track of time. I am a programmer and you can lose hours to problems really easily. If its important then you set alarms. You set reminders. Basically you don't bury your head in the sand and then claim "not my fault, I'm time blind"
Sort of, but sometimes it is genuinely a chemical or hormonal imbalance that requires, for the short term at least, medical diagnosis and treatment to help the person cope. The medical profession isn't just inventing disorders and treatments, they're all science based and the journals and studies are all out there for anyone to read into.
'Time blindness' seems to be talked about entirely in the context of not been able to turn up to work on time - there's another word for that...
Of course they aren't. In the same way that some people have genuine health issues with their weight gain, some people have genuine ADHD etc.
The problem is that we are currently at a point in time where instead of the tiny proportion of people who have a genuine medical issue with are just diagnosing everyone with the behaviour or symptoms with the condition.
Yes we have got better at diagnosing issues in the past 20 years but we have also become experts in making excuses for peoples ****** behaviour and life choice. Most kids don't have ADHD, they have **** parents. Most people don't have any medical reason for being overweight, they are just lazy gluttons.
The issue is that unless the person/family is willing to work on the issue then it always becomes the issue of the state and they have to work out the best/cheapest way to fix the problem.
Of course, my point was more relating to care free GPs who have a thousand appointments booked in daily and are just churning out 'easy' fixes.I am not a big believer in over-diagnosis tbh. I think it's more likely that it was under-diagnosed in the past and now we have much better methods of diagnosing these disorders.
The problem is that there's a spectrum to things like ADHD, just as there is to autism, where some people, because of their other characteristics and upbringing, can mask a lot of it or have developed their own methods of overcoming as much of it as possible.
People hear the name of the disorder and just apply their own limited understanding of these conditions to the person and think they're all the same and have to act or behave in a very specific way to be "deserving" of that diagnosis.
Was this their excuse for being late?
Well yes if you're off work then of course the days all blend into one another my mother is retired and never knows what day of the week it is I'm the same when on holiday theres no incentive to know what it is it only matters when you visit the supermarket say and find it shut at 4 'cos its sundayLol nothing ive been off work for 3 days and next week is my rota for the meh week Just singing the sunday blues....
I was diagnosed with inattentive ADD and was given Ritalin to help with work. The only time I ever experienced time blindness was when I was on it. Was the weirdest sensation. One of the issues with IADD is hyper focusing for short spaces of time then being unable to re focus at all. Ritalin extended the former massively. I'd be lost in a spreadsheet and then look at the time and sometimes 4 or 5 hours would have past. Was a little concerning at times I have to say.
Don't take it anymore largely because of that.