Tinnitus who suffers from it

Get it once and awhile if I pay attention for it. Ive not been blessed with good ears etc. Had grommets as a child and have varying Sinus issues.
My tinnitus arrived one day about 3 years ago, before that I had a strange problem hearing bass where one day my hearing would be fine, the next anything under 200hz would be missing.

I've had grommets inserted and my sinus's drilled out and although its slightly better, it isn't what it used to be. It still comes and goes.

Next, I'm up to see an audiologist, whatever they are? My ENT basically told me (after they'd poked and drilled my nose and ears out) that they haven't a clue and have done the surgery based on guess work.
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The lad on the front page has the best idea use a fan at night. I could not sleep without it drowning out the silence but there is no silence because beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep is all i hear haha. There is nothing worse than being drunk and trying to sleep in a silent room as then my ears really start to buzz. Its always worse after a night out so i dont get really drunk and i use fans whenever possible that includes small kitchen fans and bedroom fans.

I actually find it impossible now to sleep in silence so i dare not sleep anywhere but home and if someone sleeps with me they have to sleep in a wind tunnel as i use the big daddy bionaire's not the travel wussy fans ;)
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I have tinnitus and one day in the not too distant past I recall it becoming noticeably worse. It's terrible now and really loud, absolutely cannot stop thinking about it and it's really grinding me down.

I have had a sinus problem recently and I am hoping it'll die down once I'm over that. Fingers crossed eh.
This thread has given me tinnitus. I never even noticed it before, but there is a constant ultra-high pitch barely audible noise that's ever-present. I didn't go clubbing in my youth, and I've never listened to music at loud volumes. Because I value my hearing.

But I seem to have a very mild form of it all the same.


[edit: now I can't stop hearing it]
Its genetic i was diagnosed in primary school around age 6 i remember it very clearly where you are made to listen and tap when you hear anything. So unless i was subjected to incredibly loud noises in the womb ;)

You become ultra sensitive to Televisions as well and Graphics card with poor cap coils are a complete no. You can pick up if a TV is switched on blindfolded and with it muted. Its the little buzz i can hear even with it in perfect silence.
I have a type of tinnitus called musical ear syndrome, (look it up on the NHS website) Apparently it's because I am now partly deaf & have to wear hearing aids that my brain realises I can't hear very well & decides to help me out by playing tunes in a neverending loop.
It's mostly stuff from years ago & I usually hear one verse of a song which then repeats over & over, usually it sounds like a male choir rather than the original singer and sometimes it's very faint & other times it's more noticeable. It's never in both ears at the same time but changes to the other ear without me noticing if I am distracted. I also get whistling & roaring sounds sometimes as well. Some people have been driven to suicide with this as there seems to be no cure & all you get told is 'learn to live with it'
I recently had an MRI headscan to see if I might have something called an auditory nerve tumour & after the first scan I was called back a week later for another scan 'with contrast' this means they inject some dye into your blood while you are being scanned & this was most unpleasant. However the scan proved negative so I may be stuck with it for good :(
9 and 11 for me, get it so randomly.

General hearing in right side is quite bad compared to left side.
I blame it on firing rifles/shotguns with no ear protection and long motorcycle journeys!
I have had this awful condition since early 2008 when I finally succumbed to too many hours of listening to earphones at silly volumes. Did not realise the damage I was doing. For 4 years, I did not touch another iPod/set of earphones. I very occasionally use earphones to listen to music but I limit this to once or twice a month and that is it. My iPod is really only ever used in the car.

I don't really go clubbing and if I do go out, I try to avoid going anywhere near the speakers / DJ. Ear defenders (in ear ones) really are the best course of action in such situations but I do not go out enough to justify this tbh. I am cautiously optimistic that there will be a medicinal based cure for this in the next 10 years.

Apparently this revoloutionary treatment is being launched in 2015

When i was younger i had gunshot sounds and was diagnosed with deafness in one ear.

Its since returned and i fear it may be Tinnitus. What does it really sound like? Does yours change. Mine changes as i lay down to louder i cannot hear it when stuff isn't deadly silent either
I have had the sound that can be best described as the sound you hear when you put a shell to your ear, 'to hear the sea,' (do kids still do this?), or similar to white noise.

I got it as a result of treatment for cancer of the tonsil, I believe the chemo drug Cisplatin can cause this side effect.

I have learnt to live with over the past 5 years as it is just another permanent side effect of the treatment in what was a horrendous time of my life.
What does it really sound like? Does yours change. Mine changes as i lay down to louder i cannot hear it when stuff isn't deadly silent either

It differs from people to people.
Some get a high pitched whining but I get the white noise that only bothers me when I think about it (like now).
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