Tinnitus who suffers from it

Number 9, it's basically like I have been in a noisy club, the ringing you have when you get home.

It started maybe 4 months ago, I don't notice it too much during the day when things are happening around me.

It's at night when I lay down I notice it most, but I got used to it quite quickly and don't really think about it. I'm thankful it's not some of those other noises, they sound horrible.
How long have you had it for?
Started off just after gigs, so bought some ear plugs and was fine until one day, I forgot the ear plugs at Bloodstock 2013. And after a set in one of the tents, it's been constant.

What brought it on?
Very loud gig

Does it bother you anymore?
Yes, It's only noticeable when quiet or I think about it, like now :p
I do occasionally get a louder noise in my ears though.
I can't sleep in silence and need the TV on for background noise, or music on all the time for back ground noise

And what sound do you hear?
Like number 9 when quiet, and number 11 when it gets louder .
How long have you had it for?
Since I was like 11 or 12

What brought it on?
fired a cap gun right next to my ear, stupid really

Does it bother you anymore?
Yes, but not as much as it used to.
I only hear it when its quiet or someone draws attention to it/ mentions it :rolleyes:

And what sound do you hear?
you know the CoD flashbang noise like a shrill tone, its like that but really quiet
How long have you had it for?

Three years

What brought it on?

I had a really bad ear infection (both ears) even hurt to swallow liquid. I was given tablets and ear drops and noticed after the infection cleared I could hear a ringing sound.
I went to see an ENT and had a CT scan to check for tumours etc., thankfully nothing at all showed up. My hearing is within normal levels (although slightly down).

Does it bother you anymore?
Nope, I have to focus on it to notice. I would say on a scale of 1-10 in terms of how loud it is, normally sitting at about a 2.

And what sound do you hear.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Interestingly. When I first had it I was forever goggling things about it. I found a video on YouTube (cant link to it now will do when I get home from work) and it was of someone who created a video of the sound there tinnitus makes. Very similar to mine but much more sharp. I noticed that after I heard it, my tinnitus disappeared. I thought I was cured. But then it came back. Listened to the video again, and again, tinnitus disappeared but only for about a minute. Whenever I play that video (as you can imagine I keep it to get small burst of relief). My tinnitus completely disappears, and then I can actually hear it slowly turn back on. From what I have read, one theory is tinnitus is often the result of the brain trying to make up for a loss of hearing. Quite literally turning the volume up to compensate. When I hear this louder pitch/tone of tinnitus like noise, I assume my brain is turning back down (briefly). Very odd.

I have also noticed, if I move my lower jaw back and forth, I can manipulate the volume/tone/frequency of my tinnitus. I have been to an orthodontist who pointed out I have an overbite (I already knew this) and I grind my teeth at night. Was given a splint for my mouth to wear when asleep and used it for a month now. My tinnitus is MUCH better (not gone but significantly better). I am going to see a surgeon regarding jaw surgery as my jaw is increasingly causing me pain and discomfort, and from a purely vain perspective, I don’t like my profile (lower jaw is slightly dished in). While this will not guarantee getting rid of it, I am increasingly convinced my misalinged jaw is to blame rather than the infection.

For anyone who can manipulate there tinnitus by moving there lower jaw, I highly suggest having a splint/mouth guard made at your dentist (it's like £20-30).
I'm worried I might have Tinnitus. I had my ears irrigated on Tuesday by a nurse. I said I noticed ringing in my ears since putting ear drops in which blocked my ears more, and she said yes, that's normal because they're so blocked with wax. The irrigation completely cleared my ears and she showed me the amount of crap that came out. My hearing is much crisper now.

But there's a constant high pitched ringing, exactly like after coming out of a loud concert. Didn't notice it was still there until wednesday or thursday. The irrigation was very loud, like putting your ears next to a pneumatic drill, and very high pressure.

Could this be temporary tinnitus because my ear drums have been shocked?
Hopefully temporary :)

I had my ears syringed and they ringed afterwards....was told it would go away, still waiting :p
Hopefully temporary :)

I had my ears syringed and they ringed afterwards....was told it would go away, still waiting :p

Damn, that sucks. How long ago did you have the syringing?

Also, the nurse told me they don't do syringing anymore, just irrigating.
On the left ear yeah, from years of clubbing I guess.

I have learnt to sleep with it, doesnt mean its not annoying.
I'm worried I might have Tinnitus. I had my ears irrigated on Tuesday by a nurse. I said I noticed ringing in my ears since putting ear drops in which blocked my ears more, and she said yes, that's normal because they're so blocked with wax. The irrigation completely cleared my ears and she showed me the amount of crap that came out. My hearing is much crisper now.

But there's a constant high pitched ringing, exactly like after coming out of a loud concert. Didn't notice it was still there until wednesday or thursday. The irrigation was very loud, like putting your ears next to a pneumatic drill, and very high pressure.

Could this be temporary tinnitus because my ear drums have been shocked?

Have had the same for about 5 years. I nust got used to it and like others barely notice it except in quiet places.
I'm having a lie in at the moment and noticing it very loud, even with talk radio on.
Fortunately, it didn't keep me awake last night, so I did sleep well. But right now, it's very annoying and worrying :(
Had it for five years now :(

Reckon it's something to do with my inner ear as my balance isn't what it was and I have moments when I'm ropey on my feet. Been to the ent specialist three times over it and each time I got told there's nothing wrong with me.

Always worried it could be something like meniers disease but so far no vertigo attacks.
Had it for five years now :(

Reckon it's something to do with my inner ear as my balance isn't what it was and I have moments when I'm ropey on my feet. Been to the ent specialist three times over it and each time I got told there's nothing wrong with me.

Always worried it could be something like meniers disease but so far no vertigo attacks.

5 years as well! How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I am 26
Im hearing this high pitch hum at night, tried head under pilows and it makes no difference to the level of sound so I believe its tinnitus. I blame my turtle beaches and COD.
Had it for about 10 years. Im 29.

Its made worse by high noise, tiredness. High pitch, varying levels of noise and frequency in my right ear. Its always there, sometimes worse than others, but always there. Every now and then it nocks my balance out a little and I feel quite spaced out.

Went to a particularly loud concert last year and it was horrendous for weeks after. Sometimes I find I have to use ear defenders if I am doing loud work like drilling.
Had it for about 10 years. Im 29.

Its made worse by high noise, tiredness. High pitch, varying levels of noise and frequency in my right ear. Its always there, sometimes worse than others, but always there. Every now and then it nocks my balance out a little and I feel quite spaced out.

Went to a particularly loud concert last year and it was horrendous for weeks after. Sometimes I find I have to use ear defenders if I am doing loud work like drilling.

That seems pretty much the same as mine. I go to about 5-10 gigs a year so i have now invested in some ear plugs to prevent any more damage.
That seems pretty much the same as mine. I go to about 5-10 gigs a year so i have now invested in some ear plugs to prevent any more damage.

Which earplugs do you have? I need to buy some good ones. Part of the reason for me is that I play drums, and over the last few weeks, been doing a lot of practise every day. In my kitchen, which is a harsh sound, so the drums are louder in there. So that has probably contributed enormously to my ringing. It would be good to have some that cut out some Dbs.
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