Tinnitus who suffers from it

Been suffering from it for probably 9 months now. I'm 43. Pretty upset, as I've always had really good hearing up until this happened.
My hearing is still very good yet I have it. How does that work?

You can get it with minor damage, the sound is generated in the brain. Most hearing tests don't test the full hearing range, only up to 8khz usually. Some audiologists test up to the 20khz, its common for your a bit of damage to have occured in the higher frequencies especially if you have been to nightclubs/ gigs/ parties ect.
I've had it for 6 months. Can't do anything but accept it now, irritating when I'm thinking about it but not so much when I'm fully engaged doing something. Hearing seems otherwise fine with acceptable age related loss.
You can get it with minor damage, the sound is generated in the brain. Most hearing tests don't test the full hearing range, only up to 8khz usually. Some audiologists test up to the 20khz, its common for your a bit of damage to have occured in the higher frequencies especially if you have been to nightclubs/ gigs/ parties ect.

I always come out very good on those frequency test things, despite being...well...older. lol I'm not far behind my teenage child.
I'm a very light sleeper. I seem to have developed this thing over the years where if I hear a noise, I tune in to it and have to know what it is. I think it's a protection thing having had multiple children, listening out for them in the night and stuff. It's annoying. I'd love to be able to sleep through a vacuum cleaner going round the room like some.
Had tinnitus in my left ear for as long as i can remember but its rather quiet and barely noticeable or i've just atoned to it that i don't notice it anymore. Occasionally get a high pitch whine in my ear for a few seconds but it goes away pretty quickly too. Same with my right eye, i've had eye floaters for around 2 years now. Woke up one morning and bam there's a black line down my eye sight. Went to see the optician and doctor and they said its nothing serious, just comes on with age. I only notice it if i look at something White.
Hello Gents,
Right, well firstly I didn`t know OCUK had a tinnitus thread!
I know some people will note my name so you will know who I am so may be aware I am deaf, VERY deaf in fact.
I have had tinnitus for years, however normally with the use of a hearing aid I do not get bothered by it. HOWEVER, Since August, I have lost the remaining amount of hearing in my ear, therefore, I can no longer use my aid. Unfortunately, this now means i am hearing tinnitus all day that I am awake. I know from speaking to audiology, that its best to try and accept and not get stressed as these two things will make it worse. Which is as you will appreciate much easier said than done, especially when I can`t drown out the noise. But any tips or coping mechanismas I would love to hear (haha, pun not intended but there we go.)
Thank you. :)
Mrs SB. :D
A family friend suffered from audio shocks which is worse than tinnitus. Can’t remember what caused it or his job. He found it so bad that he couldn’t face it anymore and ended his life by jumping off a bridge onto a rail tracks with a train approaching….
A family friend suffered from audio shocks which is worse than tinnitus. Can’t remember what caused it or his job. He found it so bad that he couldn’t face it anymore and ended his life by jumping off a bridge onto a rail tracks with a train approaching….

google suggests audio shocks is not a condition. I assume you mean hyperacusis?
I've had tinnitus since I was a kid (long time ago) and it recently seems to be worse.
For me it's a constant high pitched note, doesn't change pitch.

If there is enough background noise then I'm not aware of it, but if it's quiet then it can be a touch maddening.

It does effect low level conversation as the "ringing" can be quite loud
I have it. Came on at age 53'ish am now 55. Constant high pitched whine. Need to focus on it to hear it in daily life. Not sure what caused it. Probably to many loud Stallone action movies in the '80's.
As well as regular tinnitus (constant high pitched whine) I also suffer from pulsatile tinnitus, which on bad days is infuriating.

Fortunately I can zone out of both of them fairly well with background distraction noise during the day but on bad days, often much worse at night the sound can easily keep me awake all night.
Stress/anxiety bring on bad bouts of it as does tiredness so bit of a vicious circle :(
hang in there fellas. help is on the way. https://www.tinnitustreatmentreport.com/ there are some drugs and treatments in the pipeline. Lots of money is being thrown at finding a cure. I like the idea of the treatments that are coming that focus on regrowing the hair in the ear, by unlocking our dna code.. https://www.tinnitustreatmentreport.com/ i have it pretty bad. However some days it doesn't seem to bother me.. others i'm like ugh make this go-away !! keeping myself busy and doing things to take my mind off it, is the best i can muster for now. or just drowning it out with music / headphones.. i did like to listen to my music loud when i was younger. i also rode motorcycles without hearing protection for i dunno a good 15 yrs. so that probably didn't help.. However all that being said, my hearing is also apparently very good for my age. Had it for a good few yrs now. Stay off the tinnitus forums as it makes it worse. acceptance is the key, like others have said, easier said than done..
hang in there fellas. help is on the way. https://www.tinnitustreatmentreport.com/ there are some drugs and treatments in the pipeline. Lots of money is being thrown at finding a cure. I like the idea of the treatments that are coming that focus on regrowing the hair in the ear, by unlocking our dna code.. https://www.tinnitustreatmentreport.com/ i have it pretty bad. However some days it doesn't seem to bother me.. others i'm like ugh make this go-away !! keeping myself busy and doing things to take my mind off it, is the best i can muster for now. or just drowning it out with music / headphones.. i did like to listen to my music loud when i was younger. i also rode motorcycles without hearing protection for i dunno a good 15 yrs. so that probably didn't help.. However all that being said, my hearing is also apparently very good for my age. Had it for a good few yrs now. Stay off the tinnitus forums as it makes it worse. acceptance is the key, like others have said, easier said than done..

Oh that website is interesting, usually i visit the research section of a certain tinnitus forum. I dare not go in the support section though as its all doom and gloom there and it would seem a-lot of people live like hermits there, being afraid of moderately loud sounds ect. It even put me off going to concerts for about a year until i realised that this forum is just a very small set of people with tinnitus who either have it really badly or they are just very anxious about it.
In March my wife started with severe ear pain and had to go to A&E twice, several trips to the Nuffield and audiologist later she was told it was a bad ear infection.

Several weeks of ear drops ensued and she's been left with pretty bad tinnitus and buzzing in her ear and constant pain.

Anyone else suffered after an ear infection?
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