hang in there fellas. help is on the way.
https://www.tinnitustreatmentreport.com/ there are some drugs and treatments in the pipeline. Lots of money is being thrown at finding a cure. I like the idea of the treatments that are coming that focus on regrowing the hair in the ear, by unlocking our dna code..
https://www.tinnitustreatmentreport.com/ i have it pretty bad. However some days it doesn't seem to bother me.. others i'm like ugh make this go-away !! keeping myself busy and doing things to take my mind off it, is the best i can muster for now. or just drowning it out with music / headphones.. i did like to listen to my music loud when i was younger. i also rode motorcycles without hearing protection for i dunno a good 15 yrs. so that probably didn't help.. However all that being said, my hearing is also apparently very good for my age. Had it for a good few yrs now. Stay off the tinnitus forums as it makes it worse. acceptance is the key, like others have said, easier said than done..