To be taken

There is just no excuse, no point and no winners.

Silly girls for being so naive and letting them race in said situation as well as getting in the car in the first place.

That said there, is nothing positive in taking obvious risks with innocent people riding with you. Same said for the people around you too. Racing in a residential area!?

I agree all young men speed. Most people its on a quiet road finding their limits. They pass their test and have access to a machine that will exceed 100mph. Everyones done it to some extent, but racing side by side on a residential street... makes me feel sick to be honest.

I'm glad they survived, so they can suffer life thinking about what they've done. But then you have to think if they care in the first place.

The next thing that bothers me is that they are 22 and 24 years old... how could you be so stupid at that age?! I'm 21, occasionally make a driving manouvre I think twice about after I've done it and take a mental note... they must have been some sad cases to end up where they are now.

RIP Kimberley, Rachel, Laura and Karen.
I remember this story being posted when the crash occured. Very sad, not just because of the loss of life, but because it was so pointless and completely avoidable had they not been idiots and racing:
a) On public roads
b) With passengers in the car(s).

wow, thats bad. dont remember when it was originally posted but thats really bad.

1 escapes unscathed the other loses a leg, 4 others die. shame :/
Hmmmm, a 170bhp Xsara VTS.

What was that about how the power of the car is irrelevent and accidents happen just as easily in low powered cars?
I heard about this on the radio earlier. It's prompted calls to ban young drivers from being on the roads between 12-5am (like in New Zealand and some of America I believe)
Tbh its just going to make them race during the day, when i'm on the road, i would prefer the killed themself when i'm in the pub or bed tbh..

Silly girls for getting into the car, its one of the things i fear about with my sister but i know she knows better than to do stupid things like that cause i keep telling her!
[TW]Fox said:
Hmmmm, a 170bhp Xsara VTS.

What was that about how the power of the car is irrelevent and accidents happen just as easily in low powered cars?

Yes Fox, I spotted the alloy as well ;)

With most people however, they respect the power that their car has and don't drive it like idiots.

Rogerson, of Stroud Crescent West, Hull, and McCartney, of Perth Street, Hull, were both were over the drink-drive limit at the time of the crash, the court was told.

The two drivers in this instance were totally unfit to drive, so I think it's very unfair to place the blame on all young drivers like the media are making out.

It just takes one or two idiots to let the side down and we all have to pay for it :(

RIP to the deceased :(

edit... Is that a blue Saxo as well?
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106 isnt it?

also they were 22 and 24, hardly 'young' and prolly have 10 years or more driving experience between them
its used to be the case insurance companys believed they could offer you insurance on mid to high performance cars after you turn 25 because you are supposadly "cough" more responsible and yet again this is proof that we are moving backwordsfrom the age of 12 up its asbo territory.
people of that age should have more sense hopefully the deaths of those girls will stay with them men urm i mean BOYS! for the rest of their lifes.
agw_01 said:
The two drivers in this instance were totally unfit to drive, so I think it's very unfair to place the blame on all young drivers like the media are making out.

It just takes one or two idiots to let the side down and we all have to pay for it :(

Indeed, would say the drink is more to blame, it would be like saying they should ban all young Northerners from driving because it happened in Hull.....sounds like a plan ;)
looks like a blue saxo yes, suprise suprise.

It is generally a shame the minority spoil it for the majority :(

I dont know why young men feel the need to prove themselves on the road. Im 21 with a CTR and i dont feel i have anything to prove at all. I do consider myself more mature than a lot of people my age, but thats just me and my opinion.
Going on from what James said about proving a point, 6 months ago if I would normally have set off quite briskly from the lights with a grin on my face.

Driving back from the gym tonight, I was taking it nice and easy, sticking to the speed limits and just generally enjoying the pimage :p Having a smooth drive in a car which attracts attention is so much better than doing 50 and looking like a tool.

Not to mention the savings on fuel and the no-risk of being pulled over by the police.

Truthfully, at one set of lights, I did set off as normal and came off the loud pedal at around 45 when I noticed a silver Accord trying to climb into my boot. Normally I would have dropped to 2nd and gone for it, but tonight I just kept a constant pace at 25-30.

He dropped back eventually ;)
Violent-J said:
At 22 and 24 they're hardly boys mate.

Well, they're still boys in my eyes with 16/17/18 year old girls in the car. Boy racers/chav culture really does annoy me quite a lot on the roads. As usual, giving a bad image to a lot of decent young drivers out there that don't drive around like idiots showing off.

A sideways shunt like that is probably the worst place to hit a car, as the car is so weak around that point, meaning passengers will impact with one and other and everything goes horrid. Arg, I've had a whole module at uni on vehicle safety, and rather graphic images of what certain crashes do to you, and it's certainly made me a more cautious driver in some parts of my driving.
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