to get ABS, or not ABS - that is the question...

Originally posted by Maz

Is it the same thing as is on the Mondeo 2.0 16v from say V reg?

no m8

i think you :confused: with traction control and traction assist.

ESP first rolled out of 2.0 focus ghia and 2.0 focus zetec.

It can now be found on new mondeo :D
Overall I really believe that ABS is generally a VERY good thing.

My only concern for this kind of technology is that it can make drivers reliant on it. So the first time that a person finds they need to be able to do the job manually, they simply haven't got the experience and reactions to do the job. That's when you can end up in deep doo doos.
Originally posted by Mr_Sukebe
Overall I really believe that ABS is generally a VERY good thing.

My only concern for this kind of technology is that it can make drivers reliant on it. So the first time that a person finds they need to be able to do the job manually, they simply haven't got the experience and reactions to do the job. That's when you can end up in deep doo doos.

What do you mean ?

Its only ever used under emergency braking, and im sure the average Joe doesnt do that every day. If your a fast driver things like traction control will make a difference but not ABS.
Originally posted by Mr.E.
What do you mean ?

Its only ever used under emergency braking, and im sure the average Joe doesnt do that every day. If your a fast driver things like traction control will make a difference but not ABS.

ABS leads some to drive much faster, leave brakeing MUCH later, and generaly drive like a fool, as they get a sense of detachment from reality, as they are under the mistaken belief that WHATEVER they do, the car will save them.

how many low speed scoobie crashes you see. non...

how many scoobie crashes are uber highspeed rollovers / spinnoffs, most..

(not scoobie in specific, more that type of car in general)

I was the same in my GTO, most of the reason for selling it, and its 1000000000000000000 computers, for a car with non, which NEEDS a driver, and not just a glorified passenger.

In everyday situations, they are a great safetynet, in the right hands, they are a good driver aid, in the general muppets hands, they are a loaded gun
AFAIK ABS doesnt sto you quicker it makes it easier to control the car.

ppl that drive "fast"cars buy them because they are fast not because of the ABS or TC.
And when it comes down to it your not gonna see a supermarket prang in the local rag, but you will see the car that rolled 5 times into a field.
BTW i do agree that certain ppl think because the car has driver aids that it has a certain amount of invisability.
But the same guys who buy a scooby or Evo etc...(without aids) will think that because it can be driven so hard that they can also drive like Colin MacRae, which thay cant.
Originally posted by Mr.E.
AFAIK ABS doesnt sto you quicker it makes it easier to control the car.

ABS doesnt stop a PRO driver, like Colin, or Mr. Plato...

but for 99% of road users, it will stop them CONSIDERABLY faster, as they have no clue how to brake effectively, how far they can push the brakes, and that they NEED to back off the pedal when they lock up, fear kicks in, ppl freeze, and ppl skid

so, ABS DOES stop most ppl a lot quicker, and my point was that, with ABS, you dont need to think about it, you jsut plough down the road, approach a junction too hot, and stand on the peddle.

No gradual brakeing, no smooth decelleration, just Vroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom

Skreech-judder-skreech-judder-skreech-judder-skreech-judder. stop.
Stumpy - Yes, this would be a new car and its the extra £150 that Im debating with myself whether or not I should spend it. I know its not a lot when compared to the overall cost of the car but I was more thinking about just how good the mechanism was.

Maz - Do you work in a Ford dealership then? :) Pity your not in Glasgow or I could maybe have gotten a good deal from you :)

Ok the colour choice is now defo btw Pepper Red and Metropolis Blue. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
ABS ... What is it?

ABS is an abbreviation for Anti-lock Braking System. It was designed to help the driver maintain some steering ability and avoid skidding while braking.

ABS was introduced in the mid -1980s and has become "standard" equipment on the majority of vehicles sold in Canada. ABS in cars and most Multi-purpose Vehicles (MPV’s) works on all four wheels. This promotes directional stability and allows steering while maximizing braking.

The ABS in most pick-up trucks works only on the rear wheels, which promotes directional stability only. However, there are some available with ABS on all four wheels.

Anti-lock Braking systems were developed to reduce skidding and maintain steering control when brakes are used in an emergency situation.

However, cars with anti-lock brakes are up to 65% more likely to be in fatal crashes than cars without them, says a new US study. It appears that the problem isn't with the technology, it's poor driving habits and lack of driver awareness on how the brakes operate. Driver who rely on technology instead of better driving habits to improve safety are driving down a dangerous road.

Since much of the problem stems from lack of awareness of how to use the brakes, education is needed. Here are Manitoba Safety Council tips on operating ABS-equipped cars:

In an emergency situation, apply your brakes hard and stay on them. The more pedal chatter the better.
Don't pump your brakes. Pumping is for standard brakes. It completely robs ABS brakes of their effectiveness.
Remember that ABS brakes do not help you stop quicker under most conditions. They do help you maintain steering control during braking so you can veer around obstacles.
The general rule of thumb is that if you have to avoid an obstacle, veer to the right. This way, you avoid oncoming traffic.
Don't become an over-confident driver because you have ABS. Drive prudently as you always should.

Anti-lock brakes are designed to keep cars from going into a skid when the brakes are applied in an emergency. Designed to allow the driver steering control, ABS brakes work by automatically actuating the brakes on and off during emergency stops. They are effective in helping drivers avoid accidents. In certain situations, ABS brakes can help to shorten stopping distances.
Originally posted by EyeDot

so, ABS DOES stop most ppl a lot quicker, stop.

But you can only stop a "normal" car in a certain distance.
A car with ABS stops them locking...pump the brakes and it will be about the same distance, if you lock them up them thats a different matter unless youve got bald "slicks" and mega brakes.
Originally posted by SqualidChimp
Stumpy - Yes, this would be a new car and its the extra £150 that Im debating with myself whether or not I should spend it. I know its not a lot when compared to the overall cost of the car but I was more thinking about just how good the mechanism was.

Maz - Do you work in a Ford dealership then? :) Pity your not in Glasgow or I could maybe have gotten a good deal from you :)

Ok the colour choice is now defo btw Pepper Red and Metropolis Blue. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

I actually work in a Fiat Dealership but we have some brand new unregistered Ford Focuses to sell.

IMO Pepper red is the nicest colour
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