to get ABS, or not ABS - that is the question...

back to the main point of the thread :rolleyes:
Can anyone link a colour chart ?
Personally i dont like red cars unless its a sports car. My m8 has a ST170 in a dark metallic grey and its nice.

The general rule of thumb is that if you have to avoid an obstacle, veer to the right. This way, you avoid oncoming traffic.

Quick note: If you live in the UK, veer to the left mmmkay...

As a motorcycle driver for 6 / 7 years, and car driver since Jan 2003 I have road experience but no real experience of too many emergency stops in a car (though about 6 near death experiences on m/c). I am aware not to try "pumping" ABS brakes as I is not a h'idiot :)

Red or Blue... Blue or Red... Red or Blue ... Blue or Red

You take the blue car and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red car and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes....
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As an aside.

How many people understand what happens with ABS or have it explained to them when they buy the car? Then, how many of these people have a scary experience when they hit the brakes on snow or ice or heavy wet conditions? In some circumstances ABS is a great thing to have, in others it can be a right pain and a possible accident maker.
Originally posted by EyeDot
ABS leads some to drive much faster, leave brakeing MUCH later, and generaly drive like a fool, as they get a sense of detachment from reality, as they are under the mistaken belief that WHATEVER they do, the car will save them.

how many low speed scoobie crashes you see. non...

how many scoobie crashes are uber highspeed rollovers / spinnoffs, most..

(not scoobie in specific, more that type of car in general)

Please post this on Scoobynet :D
Originally posted by Mr.E.
What do you mean ?

Its only ever used under emergency braking, and im sure the average Joe doesnt do that every day. If your a fast driver things like traction control will make a difference but not ABS.

Mr E,

You ask a good question.
Let me give you an example. Earlier this year, when it was VERY icy in London I was stupid enough to take my car just 5 miles across London. I say stupid as in the second half of that 5 miles it turned into a rather hilly area. The ice just about turned the roads into skating rinks.
Most of the roads were so bad that the buses just couldn't move. I found that on one hill I simply couldn't drive up it, there was that little grip.
And my ABS? Well on the way down on slight incline, the ABS just locked up. If I hadn't been capable of cadence braking I would have been saying hello to an Audi driver from VERY close quarters.

So no, ABS is NOT perfect.

However, I'm certainly not saying that people shouldn't have it, as that's clearly insane.
What I think is that people SHOULD have cars with ABS, and then still make the effort to go get some experience on a wet race track or skid pan course, so that they can apply some ability to their driving in addition.

After all, people are willing to pay £100 extra for ABS so that they can drive like morons. How about spending £100 on a driving course so that they can learn how to control the ton of potentially death dealing metal that they're piloting.
I have ABS on my car and I wouldn't say it encouraged me to drive dangerously.

On Sunday I stopped from 70 to 0 pretty quick and the ABS never kicked in, that was only because I felt I had an extra couple of meters to stop in time. Had things been a little tighter I would have just slammed my foot on the brake
After calculating my finances and working out which other options I want, ABS has not made it to the shortlist at this time. I will think about it but until I am persuaded otherwise I dont feel its necessary.

And now on to the last important question...





You take the blue car and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red car and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes....

Originally posted by SqualidChimp
Yeah panther black is , how do you say , ded sexxeh :)

however as I am a lazy goit it would end up looking more like a manky grey one more often then not. *sigh*

£5 = gold service car wash !
ABS - Anti Blockier System.

Its originally German i believe.

ABS is usefull for people who think stopping the fastest is pushing there foot to the floor as hard as possible ;)

Originally posted by Mr_Sukebe

Not meaning to be pedantic, but it's "Bockier" and not "Blockier". You are right in saying that it's german though.

Both just came up in a Yahoo search as an anti ...... system.

Weird :)

I'd still never have a car without ABS ;)

A car with ABS on ice is just as bad as car without ABS

Thats where driver common sense should kick in and put the car into the situation in the correct manner in the first place.

It's unfortunate we can't put a common sense control module on to a car, the world would be a much safer place :D
Ive got ABS fitted to my car. Ive had the car 11 months now and Ive only felt it used once. However, the time it did work Im pretty glad it did, so provided the price premium isnt to high, i´d go for the ABS model.

Dont forget that whilst the premium between the two models will become smaller as the car depreciations, having ABS will make your car easier to sell when youve finished with it.
Over the last year i have hired a lot of cars, soem with ABS and some without.

I must say that my braking style completely changed depending if i had it or didnt. One of the cars even had a neat little syste, where if it feels you jumped on the brake in an emergency, it would apply maximum braking for you automatically, which i must say actually worked very well.

Many people i know use ABS asa safety net, ie, you notice your junction is about 5 metres away, so you just stand on the brake as hard as you can in the knowledge you wont skid. Personally, i didnt generally drive like this, but knew it was there if i needed it, and did do a few times.

tbh, even a car with ABS will lock up on ice or bad mud etc, i've had it in for seperate cars, but it does still slow the car down, instead of a complete lock up.

Driving a car without ABS, i tend to drive a little further away from the car in front (i leave a big gap as it is), but i have pretty fat tyres for my car and it takes a hell of a lot of jumping on the brakes to get em to lock on normal dry road conditions.

I can honestly say that i used ABS as a safety net, but not in a dangerous way.

If you have the ability to cadence brake properly, without getting flustered etc, then you would ok without it. If i had the option, i'd probably get it though. I have the ability to stop the car pretty well using cadence braking, but if i was in a situation that flustered me, ie someone jumping out infront of me, it would be nice to have it done for me i guess.

ABS means that as well as braking hard you can steer away from the 4 year old that just ran out in front of your car.

That is why it's a good thing.

I've had it cut in twice on the MG both times under 40 miles an hour both times it meant I could steer away from a child.

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