To Laugh or Cry?

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Okay, got Sys Mechanic deleting all files (couldn't find incinerate option?). So far so good.
Downloading MaxBlast, though I need a CD drive which I no longer have. May have to wait till the morning.
maranello168 said:
when I win the auctions i'll reveal all to fellow ocuk members, muahahhahaaa, muahahahhaaa, muahahahahhahahahahahahaa :D

Very well, except I seem to be getting somewhere :)
Ran Sys Mechanic thing, blitzed all files. Now i'm running chkdsk has found many errors especially in the Master Partition Table.
Either, the drive is completely F'd and I will have to bin it, Spie will donate me a new one, A fundraiser will take place to raise me some money, or it will work and the auction will run :)

CHKDSK discovered free space marked as allocated in the volume bitmap.
Correcting errors in the master file table's (MFT) BITMAP attribute.
Correcting errors in the master file table's (MFT) BITMAP attribute.
Correcting errors in the master file table's (MFT) BITMAP attribute.

It corrects about a hundred of those errors so far. Any ideas what it is?

edit: ends with the error:
Readable file record segment 5 is not writeable.

I see little point in running data erasing tools when there are problems in the file tables. Something is seriously borked.
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Morning, up at the crack of dawn had a nose bleed in the night because i'm very stressed about this. Can't sleep.

Disabled System Restore.
PartitionMagic is Downloading.

If this isn't fixed today i'm going to smash it.
She is quite memorable they are nice pics ;)

I wish it was a wind-up. I seriously considered altering the auction to say what it includes, but it also has backups of my desktop and documents. I could never let those get into the wrong hands.

Just ran PartitionMagic, deleted the partition, deleted the data using Safe Erase.
Data still exists.

It just seems any changes committed to the file structure are done, but then aren't really done. How is this possible?

Update: tried to convert to FAT32, gave some errors then it stopped. Perhaps the disk is actually physically borked.
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agw_01 said:
I'll say it again, have you tried Zero Filling the drive using a manufacturer tool?

I tried the Maxtor windows tool, deleted the partition etc, re-appeared.
Trying the Maxtor boot drive thing, see if this will sort it though I doubt anything will now, I think its completely borked. Will take it apart when i've given up.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. Isn't this fun?

I tried the MaxBlast diagnostic, crashed when detecting drive stage.
Now Zero Filling the drive using MaxBlast 4, 17% should take 3 hours or so.

If that doesnt work, I will try a Linux LiveCD and have a play.
If that doesn't work and no other suggestions I will open it up and post some

Basmic: Warranty expired last year, else I would :)

eBay said:
Sorry to bother you again, still after a hard drive as my old one broke and it had 70GB of porn on it some as you can guess im pretty gutted. Anyway i know some people arent comfortable sharing data so i would be happy if you deleted all the files but would appreciate if you left any porn you have on the disk. If you wanted i could add an extra £5 to the final sale price to make it worth your while. Thanks.

So, I disconnected my boot drive and ran the MaxBlast software on the "infected" drive. It's taken several hours to zero fill the drive. Just connected up my boot drive, got the message "Error Loading OS".

Oh. Reconnect the boot drive (PATA). Turn on.


Cheers Microsoft.

edit: failts at Mup.sys during safe mode boot. wont boot any other way just stay at black screen.
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Okay guys, you deserve an update.

After running the MaxBlast (or whatever its called) for about 5 hours, doing the Zero Fill, the drive is still intact. How this is the case, I simply do not know. Sorry to say it but all your suggestions seemingly would have had no success in fixing this drive. It's ***ked.

My anger is further increased by the following fact(s):

I have spent 2 days trying to rescue a drive with a resale value of ~£28 (had it even worked).
I have destroyed my 2 month old NEC DVDRW by shorting it (I think...).
I have lost the use of my main PC for 2 days whilst trying to fix it = no work done.
I have seemingly corrupted my boot drive, since windows no longer loads (lost work & files?)

Lessons Learned.
Hard drives are sensitive, unpredictable chunks of ***t.
Windows is the worst peice of software to ever grace computers.
If a HDD seems broke, just give up. It's really not worth it.

It's been a ride for me, you may have read my thread about buying a Macbook Pro. This experience has certainly added weight to that decision. Hope it's been entertaining for you, I now look back and laugh.
Are computers for me? I'm in my 2nd year of Computer Science degree. I'm going for an interview tomorrow morning for an 8 week contract for IT consultancy in Manchester. I now hate computers.

Oh, and the drive? Chucked it on the floor. Will find a torx tool and open her up, rip out the carcass.

- GoldenGlory
Just got back from job interview.. got the job!
They run Macs mainly too so yay! (except the server is running windows server 2003 :()

deadeyedic30 said:
Did you and the Ex part on good terms ? How fit was she, vital statistics, gives us some details !! You can't put us through all that and not tell us what she looked like.
I left her because I fancied her best friend, we got together :o
Bad I know. She was blonde, very attractive- I do miss her. Photos were a set of 12 or so (luckily the videos are elsewhere ;)) in various poses. Think they were taken when she was 16-17.

deadeyedic30 said:
Out of curiousity were the pictures all right protected, not that it should have made a difference to the various programs used to delete them. :confused:

If this was mentioned i missed it due to partial blindness from all the tears of laughter.
Personally what i would have done if i was having that many disc errors, is just have that drive connected to the mobo, reinstall windows fixing any disc errors, install Partition Magic delete any other partitions so their is only one, change it to logical, then reconnect the other hard drives, reinstalling windows if necessary then using something like the Eraser program to zero fill the hard drive, after deleting all the windows file first.

None were write protected.
I did connect it to the mobo, put my windows xp cd in. It saw the partition, I deleted it and wrote a FAT32 partition in its place. During the last process it halted with an error.

Nothing could have saved the drive, it was gone from day one.
Shame my boot drive is now not booting. Yet another problem :rolleyes:
Haha very good.
I was considering putting a pic up (censor the naughty bits) but can you imagine if she found out?
There are a few old friends who browse this forum, she would go mental.

Infact I texted her last week telling her I found some old photos ;)
She never replied.

*like the way thread topic has turned* :D
A Personal Message.

The Result.

Never did like computers.
Hi Guys,

Can't believe this is still going haha!

So yea, I destroyed the drive as you can see. I've given up on PCs for now till I get my macbook! Sold the rest of the carcass off on the bay.

Haven't had much luck around me since, my old man tried to reinstall windows and he formatted the wrong drive! So he ended up with 2 installations and lost all his data.. even funnier than mine haha

I hope this thread has taught people to trust a maxtor!

Oh, i've found a pic of her (CLOTHED) which I may put up so you can get an idea of certain "sizes" haha.

Enough bragging, i'm off to bed now :p
ihatelag said:
Ow btw goldenglory don't give up your career over a silly hd lol... I say get as much exp as poss at it works nicely on your CV when you finish uni. Congrats if you get that 8 weeks at an IT consultancy.

Thanks for the words, i've gotten over it now and it's not so bad as i've sold off my PC.
Got the job thanks, and boy is it hard work (he says posting from work)...

Glad i've made some of you laugh, the HDD forum needed spicing up hah!
benjo said:
So your girlfriend is on the internet?

I love the way on the forum detectives try to catch people out.
There were about a dozen pics of her mate, the rest consisted of about 45-50GB "movies" and photos (site rips to those in the know).

The drive was seriously screwed, i've never seen anything like it before and I hope to never again. At least it's been documented here for history haha :D
benjo said:
Wasn't taking a dig mate, it's just reading through the first bit of the thread gave some of us the impression it was all 70gb of your missus :p

My bad :o
Wish it was 70GB of her, I could probably have made a porno dvd and sold it down the pub to reimburse me for a new drive...
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