To whom you sign off texts with a kiss?

Random thought of a boring Friday night,

My family signs off every text to each other with a xx. I do it to mum, dad, brother, pretty much everyone in my family. I also do it on texts to certain friends. My mate though thought it was strange when I did it to him.

To me it’s just a nice symbol of affection to people you care about.

How about you? Do you sign off your texts with such a gesture?

Mother, sister, father usually
Sister in law? :eek:;)

I see nothing wrong with that, I think the world of my my wife’s sister-in-law, (her brother’s wife), but not in a sensual way, and being a tad Gallic I always greet her with deux bisous, (a kiss on each cheek).
I always sign off texts to her with an X or a ❤️, and she reciprocates, no big deal.
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