Today is the 20th anniversary of the Big Nuke - OcUK are giving away a Ducky One 3 keyboard

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20 years - Wow, that did fly by :eek:
I joined this forum in ~1999; I searched the 'Excite' search engine for an overclocked AMD Athlon processor and stumbled upon OcUK :D
I ended up buying a 500MHz chip with a FreeSpeed Pro plug-in jumper card, managed to get it running at about 750Mhz, off standard air cooling and was well chuffed :)

Been here ever since :)

My date choice :


^ The day my son was born - at the quack of dawn (about 4am) :)
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I'll shameless copy a post I saw on page one and go for my joining date. Seems I'm approaching my ten year anniversary! How time has flown.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and talks like a's Count Duckula (if you please)
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My memory of back then is vague, too much tea and bad puns, but I remember the old server gradually failing and it taking more and more effort by the then admins to keep it creaking along (with regular downtime).
From memory the server at the time was a K6-2 350 with a whopping 16mb of ram or something similar, managed by Eyedot.
I think this was the server in question in all it's creaking glory:)

The nuke certainly ruffled some feathers, and I seem to remember there were some issues with the number of people flocking to register their accounts again.

Frond memories of the Seti team Stomping various other groups, the OCUK Stompmonster (IIRC declared a fire hazard by the spoilsports at the insurance company, I mean it was only a stack of about 20 overclocked bare computers left running 24/7), the fun and games as the forum was bought back online and it seemed like there was weeks of tweaking to get it "right".
I sometimes wonder what happened to a number of the "old faces", so it's always nice to see someone posting that I've not seen for a while.

Personally not a great deal has changed for me, except i'm less nocturnal, my DVD habit is now a Blu-ray habit and the small pile of unpainted models is now several large stacks of unpainted models that are taking over the garage...
Do you feel ducky... punk?!

21-09-2017 is my guess.

I didn't register on the forum until May 2004, but I have heard of the 2002 nuke because members on here have stated if they're pre-nuke or not. I was using the shop before 2004 though (only just) then I discovered the forum later on. Apparently though, most users discover the forum first, then the shop.
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