Today's mass shooting in the US

Ban guns and people just use knives/acid/cars and other stuff to mame each other instead, yeah we have less gun crime because it's more difficult to get a gun but we don't have any less violence.

The whole reason for gun ownership in the US is protection from tyranny anyway, Venezuela disarmed their population only a few years ago and now they're killing people in the streets who are protesting because they want to go back to their job as a lawyer rather than being a prostitute and don't want to have eat their family dog. It's easy to say a government will never go bad but look at our political establishment, they're doing everything in their power to ignore a democratic decision which they chose to give to the poeple (expecting a different result) and keep us in the EU who elect leaders with single choice ballot papers.

If there's any truth to New World Order or global tyranny conspiracies then the US is basically the last line of defence, disarm them and the rest is easy.
Ban guns and people just use knives/acid/cars and other stuff to mame each other instead, yeah we have less gun crime because it's more difficult to get a gun but we don't have any less violence.

The whole reason for gun ownership in the US is protection from tyranny anyway, Venezuela disarmed their population only a few years ago and now they're killing people in the streets who are protesting because they want to go back to their job as a lawyer rather than being a prostitute and don't want to have eat their family dog. It's easy to say a government will never go bad but look at our political establishment, they're doing everything in their power to ignore a democratic decision which they chose to give to the poeple (expecting a different result) and keep us in the EU who elect leaders with single choice ballot papers.

If there's any truth to New World Order or global tyranny conspiracies then the US is basically the last line of defence, disarm them and the rest is easy.

There isn't.
Sensible discussion over gun ownership should be on the agenda, but so should the root cause of what contributes to someone going on a shooting spree.

Living in a society that celebrates gun ownership and views it as a signal of patriotism, for example. America needs to find its own solutions to its own problems but there are plenty of comparable countries that do allow citizens to own firearms to varying extents do not suffer anything close to the same level of gun crime, mass shootings or shootings of (or by) police officers.
Theres no guarentee there would be
Only 7000 firearm offences in England and Wales last year, that Ban seems to be working well, it's almost as if you dont care about the law if you want to commit a crime???!
That a public policy is less than 100% effective isn't a substantive argument against it.

The whole reason for gun ownership in the US is protection from tyranny anyway...
There is an almost complete overlap between Americans who say they need guns to defend against tyranny and those who worship the flag, police and army and despise protesters or anyone else who publicly criticises the USA, so the chances of an armed revolt seem close to zero. Regular massacres are not a price worth paying to keep that fantasy alive.
The whole reason for gun ownership in the US is protection from tyranny anyway, Venezuela disarmed their population only a few years ago and now they're killing people in the streets who are protesting because they want to go back to their job as a lawyer rather than being a prostitute and don't want to have eat their family dog. It's easy to say a government will never go bad but look at our political establishment, they're doing everything in their power to ignore a democratic decision which they chose to give to the poeple (expecting a different result) and keep us in the EU who elect leaders with single choice ballot papers.
Exactly, by trying to remove the 2nd amandment you will have advocates point out thats exactly why it is in the constitution in the 1st place.

Living in a society that celebrates gun ownership and views it as a signal of patriotism, for example. America needs to find its own solutions to its own problems but there are plenty of comparable countries that do allow citizens to own firearms to varying extents do not suffer anything close to the same level of gun crime, mass shootings or shootings of (or by) police officers.

I totally agree, moving away from gang culture and getting people educated would be a massive step in reducing overall gun related deaths in the US.
Where has any sort of 'gun ban' worked?

Define "worked", as long as it's restricted to the fringe of criminality, i'm happy and it gives border control/police something to focus attention on to restrict supply as much as possible. There's too many ******* stupid people in this country to have access to guns, we see well enough the effect it has in the US, and the UK isn't that far culturally.
Make the guns fluorescent colours by default. Assault rifles pink, handguns orange, shotguns green and rifles yellow. If people want them then let them, but make them conspicuous and not so ‘edgy’ and ‘cool’. I highly doubt anyone is going to ‘gangsta pose’ with two bright orange Beretta’s.
Has banning knifes had any effect here?

Oh wait it's at the highest rate since records began in 1946.
When did knives get banned? I am sure I saw some for sale in Asda last weekend...

I think the estimates are approx. 600 million guns in the US isnt it? So the 'lol ban guns' crowd is just silly, theres also the constitution to argue against. The 'school shooter' is a tiny minority of gun deaths, and then theres also the counter arguement of just how much death/sexual assualt gun ownership prevents - I think someone else linked the FBI's best guess of 300,000 to a few million every year a few pages back.

Sensible discussion over gun ownership should be on the agenda, but so should the root cause of what contributes to someone going on a shooting spree. As I've said before, age/proper mental health help/social media/political polerisation should all be looked into. To just blame the deaths on guns is asinine.

Do you think arming the UK population would reduce deaths and sexual assaults?
So we should ban knives then, that'll stop all those problems won't it

No. But they should be controlled. SHould everybody have the right to buy and carry knives? No, of course not yet the gun loving Americans think its an infringment of their rights that mentally ill people cant legally own and carry guns.

What sums up how wrong this view is that its perfectly legal for people on the US no flight list to own guns including AR. So somebody has decided these individuals are too dangerous to be allowed on a plane on the basis they may blow it up or hijack it but you are fine with them owning assault rifles as otherwise that would be taking away their rights.
No. But they should be controlled. SHould everybody have the right to buy and carry knives? No, of course not yet the gun loving Americans think its an infringment of their rights that mentally ill people cant legally own and carry guns.

What sums up how wrong this view is that its perfectly legal for people on the US no flight list to own guns including AR. So somebody has decided these individuals are too dangerous to be allowed on a plane on the basis they may blow it up or hijack it but you are fine with them owning assault rifles as otherwise that would be taking away their rights.

Well only 2% of those on the watch list would qualify to own a gun, being on the watch list is in itself not a disquailfier becuase its not against the law.
Do you think arming the UK population would reduce deaths and sexual assaults?
You're asking a loaded question, what you should ask is what can the UK do to reduce violent crime in the first place, guns/knifes do not increase crime statistics, criminals do, banning them when they are wildly available will do nothing to address the issue. What is needed is way more Education, early intervention, ignoring all Political correctness when tackling issues, reform of the benefit system/housing sector to make work pay (having children should not be a career, nor should it be financed by the taxpayer), personal responsibility, responsibility for your offspring and extremely harsh punishment for violent criminals (including forced labour, no comfy prison cells and working out/watching tv).
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