Toenail clipper recommendations

If you're flexible enough you could try chewing them off? I mean if you're a cheese lover I'm sure that helps and if you swallow you're not wasting anything.

All joking aside, I'm disabled and my partner does this for me now. What we've found works best for my very thick toe nails is regular filing.
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Presumably the OP is in jest but, in case it’s not, do fight the desire to ‘research everything’, especially stuff that is inexpensive and/or the aesthetics don’t matter (e.g. it lives in a draw [edit - uh, drawer]).

5 minute max search time for ‘low significance’ items, IMO. Whatever you get it’ll probably be fine.

Also it’s amusing how much stuff is marketed at people based on meaningless performance metrics. I was spending 20 mins looking online for a kettle (looks matter) and all of this needless info… it’s a kettle!
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Presumably the OP is in jest but, in case it’s not, do fight the desire to ‘research everything’, especially stuff that is inexpensive and/or the aesthetics don’t matter (e.g. it lives in a draw).

5 minute max search time for ‘low significance’ items, IMO. Whatever you get it’ll probably be fine.
It’s not in jest! I usually just go on Amazon and buy whatever for this type of thing but there’s so much Chinese ***** on there these days and I don’t trust the build quality. I don’t want to research as such but if someone here has something that does the job a personal recommendation would really help.
Wait till they start cutting through your shoes then hack em straight with some nail scissors.

My big toenails are too tough for that.
A lot of troll posts here, but here's my 2p:

My problem was the the regular toenail clippers that you find in shops didn't open wide enough. So the pair I ordered from the link above did the trick. It was also tough enough which was the OP's other issue.

P.S. It's a palaver having to log back into Amazon to see my past orders, when it was only 2 days ago when I made my last order. On the same device!
A lot of troll posts here, but here's my 2p:

My problem was the the regular toenail clippers that you find in shops didn't open wide enough. So the pair I ordered from the link above did the trick. It was also tough enough which was the OP's other issue.

P.S. It's a palaver having to log back into Amazon to see my past orders, when it was only 2 days ago when I made my last order. On the same device!
Cheers, they might do the job.
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