Tom Clancy's "Jack Ryan" - Amazon Prime TV Show - ETA 2018

12 Jul 2007
I can't see John Krazinski as Jack Ryan. I'd happily be proven wrong though, but I don't think he fits the role.
This seems like a Ben Affleck/Chris Pine era reboot before Jack and Cathy got married and that phase isn't really discussed much in the Jack Ryan series of Novels. For me, my mental image of Jack, John Clark, Ding, Greer etc when I read is always the Harrison Ford film versions so I don't mind these "young" versions as long as I can link them to the "novel" versions.

Doesn't mean it'll be any good though. Although Kraninski did well in 13 Hours in Bengazi and he seems "everyman" enough to pull off both roles my biggest fear is that they make the "Jack Ryan" character into some kind of super spy & special forces mix when thats NOT "Jack Ryan" (the mistake with the Affleck/Pine movies).

edit - got film and novel mixed up.
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Oooh, that looks good. I was such a great fan of Tom Clancy and Jack Ryan some 10-15 years ago when I had loads of time to read. I don't remember a lot of his background anymore, but I'll watch it.

Re Kraninski, I see what you mean, but hope he turns out well. Chris Pratt progressed rather well to "action" films from comedy.
looks good, perhaps not sticking strictly with the Clancy novels but it certainly been added to my must watch list, although I would like to see a reboot of the netforce stuff.
I’ve always wanted Rainbow Six and Without Remorse films... although given how stretched they are in terms of time and place, they’d probably be better suited to a TV series (in this big budget Netflix age).

I'd love to see an R6 film but both films would need the main characters reintroducing to the audience as most of won't have a clue who they are, despite being already well established in the novels, as they haven't really been shown a great deal in the Movies. I mean I forgot Clark was Afflecks film and Ding has only been in 1 too as a minor side character.
Pretty decent, quite like this sort of espionage thriller anyway, so not a hard sell. Not read much Jack Ryan, so the real fans might be miffed, the Chris Pine was a bit dull, but liked the Affleck one just for having the balls to nuke an American City, really like Clear and Present Danger. This one might be a bit by the numbers & previously never bought into John Krasinski as an action hero in that dodgy Michael Mann Libya film ( with the plinky plony piano bits lifted from Black Hawk Down) but this fits him a lot better. Bout 5 episodes in today so far, so must be watchable.
Seen the first two episodes and it's damn good. Looks like they've spent quite a bit of money on it too, cracking cast, great production quality and no CGI aircraft and explosions. In fact, the combat scenes in particular are far superior to a vast number of big budget Hollywood movies. It's actually bloody too, which is a bonus.
It seems reasonably good so far, some stuff is a bit too contrived for my tastes and the manner of some of the special forces, etc. operation is a far cry from how they'd work in reality especially the French counter-terrorism forces. Though overall the combat scenes are reasonably well done relative to most TV shows/movies.

On a random related note if you cut together a bunch of scenes from the series you could make something of a The Division style movie/montage LOL.

great production quality and no CGI aircraft and explosions

Well uh other than the opening bombing run scene that almost looked like video game graphics especially the overhead shot.
Well uh other than the opening bombing run scene that almost looked like video game graphics especially the overhead shot.

You know, I must have missed that shot. I saw the jets flying in and then the panning shot of the city in the distance with the kids watching it from the foreground and that was when one of the cats suddenly decided to jump up and start having a mad minute and run around the room like something possessed.
Saw 3 last night and we enjoyed it. Fairly 'gritty' which is a nice change.

It's a strange blend of decent action sequences and tense drama, interspersed with some corniness and moments of ridiculousness, like what they did with that woman in the Paris apartment.
2 episodes in, it is pretty good !!!

Tension, action, and things actually move along at a decent pace, I don't think it's slow at all.
It's a strange blend of decent action sequences and tense drama, interspersed with some corniness and moments of ridiculousness, like what they did with that woman in the Paris apartment.

It is quite frustrating in that respect - there is some decent action and some drama that isn't afraid to explore themes normally shied away from in this context which actually really enhances it but then you get moments of ridiculous writing/contrivances or just totally corny.
Some really bad writing tropes in there. Chasing a terrorist, running past cops, guy chasing doesn't say hey, stop him. Then he goes around a corner so.... immediately stops. For all he knows there is a police blockade there and he's literally just hiding 10cm around the corner but no, tv trope time. He went out of sight for half a second so he's now impossible to find.

For all the dumb stuff the Bourne films have, at least at no point did losing sight equal no possible way to continue pursuit. Having binged it already. There are quite a lot of other painfully stupid parts. It's so often not oh what a twist, how could they have predicted that, it's more, I can 100% see what real people in real life would consider a risk here and they ignore it, decide there could be a problem then spend another half episode ignoring the obvious answer before finally realising it too late.

I just get so frustrated when they use a ridiculous obviously flawed plot because it's cheaper or easier.

Aside from the particularly stupid bits the rest is pretty decent, cast, etc.
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